Quick zwift practicality question

Struggling with the weather/darkness/post race/post holiday really can’t be bothered to do anything let along structured training blues.

So, to zwift it is… (or something like that.)

I’ve got the dongle etc. Now I have to work out how to set up my screen and stuff for actual use.

How much do you need to touch your computer whilst actually riding (no sniggering at the back.)
Ideally for me I think the laptop and tv would be beyond stretching distance but I don’t want to be hoping on and off the bike if I want to change something (whatever that something might be? do a different course).

If you want to change something, course or whatever then you will need the keyboard but that needn’t be very frequent if your not fussed about engaging with others.

I use an Apple TV box and if you are going to be Zwifting over the winter I think it’s worth the investment & I only use it for Zwift. Always on, no faf & Zwift is controlled from the Apple remote & phone.

Thanks Doka.

So with this tv box I could have zwift on the tv, but I could ‘power it’ via my phone

Don’t think you do actually. Should be on the box

If you have a Bluetooth laptop (maybe even a normal one?), you can use the Zwift companion app on your phone to control it with :slight_smile:

ah, ha, that’s the kind of info that I wasn’t aware of! Thank you.

To control Zwift with companion app on phone you just need the laptop and phone to be on the same wireless network.

Changing to a different course while riding Zwift is not currently possible, you have to exit and save current ride then log back into Zwift and start again.

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I think that might be the devil in the detail - If that would normally be a pain I’m not going to do it mid ride anyway. (I have never used zwift so don’t know what it is actually like in practice)

Pretty unlikely you would need to change course mid ride Tbh.

I generally just do either workouts on the flat desert section or and easy zone 1/2 ride for an hour

Personally, I never use the app, I find it a royal PITA on my TT bike, as my arms just drip sweat all over it. I just decide the route I’m doing and let it go, I don’t change directions or anything, I just go where the program takes me.

One thing I didn’t realise until a couple of weeks ago when I changed phones, was that Zwift now runs as a game on Android.

The app comes in handy if you are doing races that use power ups, I tend to have my phone on a shelf to the side of me otherwise yeah it gets a soaking.

The app comes into its own for the new MTB course with steering. Its awesome! I have an old Kinetic rotating front wheel riser block and then use a handlebar mount for my phone. turn your handlebars and steer the bike. Be a royal PITA for real training but its a great mini game

Don’t need to touch the computer once you start, you wont be changing course, you do watopia or the daily guest course and stick to it. use the companion app for most things in game .

its still in beta. Been using it on and off for a year and its a bit buggy at times but pretty good for gym use. iOS is actually live and far better if you are an iSheep.

haha, we’re both. I have an Android phone, MacBook and iPad and Mrs FP has a Dell Windows laptop and iPhone :laughing:

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I use it on an ipad, with an iphone as the controller… can’t say I ever do much with the controller other than make the odd change of direction, and even that’s rare… and never touch the ipade while riding.

I’ve never understood how people use the app or controller to send ride-ons etc when riding or running… I find the interface too fiddly to use when sweaty and working hard… I can only assume that they’re not putting much effort in! :joy:

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On the companion app map view press your dot and it sends ride on to everyone around you.

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I use the companion app for the MTB section which is entertaining as you can switch bikes mid ride or keep the MTB for the road for a proper work out.

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Thanks for all the help everyone - in the end I got it working quite easily although the amount of kit - given I have to pack it away everytime - is a bit of a faff.

Rather underwhelmed by Zwift though tbh, maybe I just need to peddle faster.

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Races/Handicaps is all I do on it these days; for me they are the most ‘fun’. Although I did also do a TT series a while back too; also engaging. If you’re not going to do events, then for me, you’re better off just using TR or the like.

Races are good fun, also started to organise group rides for the cycle club at 6am on Thursday morning. In terms of just riding on zwift, its ok while watching a film or other distraction, however, with one exception, Alpe du Zwift is great, unfortunately it takes a while before you can unlock it.