Road World Cycling Championships

Magnus Backstedt was the star guest on Cape Rouleur in 2017 and I remember having a conversation with him about what a great prospect Elynor was and he said something along the lines of “yeah, she’s going to be a great rider but her little sister is going to be even better”.

Turns out he was right.

There’s obviously some great genetics there with a dad who’s won Paris Roubaix and a stage of the Tour and a mum who was a Commonwealth track sprinter.

I don’t know whether they still are , but Zoe Backstedt and Josh Tarliing used to be a couple. Their kids would be good riders! :roll_eyes:

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Evenepoel looking strong, can he hold on for 2k.


Not sure if this was common knowledge or not, assume it was. But I just saw that the worlds are in Scotland next year. :+1:t3:


Yeah, one of my (Scottish) cycling mates moved back to Scotland to work for the worlds’ delivery team about a year ago.


I’ve just looked up the 2023 worlds and I didn’t realise it was going to be such a big event - they’ve got road, track, MTB and BMX all going on at the same time.

It’s in August, so 6 weeks earlier than usual for the road events. If Remco wants to defend his Vuelta title in the rainbow jersey he’ll have to win it again in 2023


It’s going to be good, spread across Scotland. Track in Glasgow, Road start in Edinburgh and finish in Glasgow, TT in Stirling, XC at Glentress, Downhill in Fort William. Looking forward to it.


If I’m reading this right, seems very bad from the hotel. Two teenagers banging on his door late at night, he tells them where to go and the hotel call the police to arrest him rather than chuck the teenagers out of their hotel.


It sounds like he actually laid hands on the kids.

He should have called someone from the hotel or his team to deal with it, I guess?

Yeah, it was reported that he’s actually injured one of them.

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“It’s further alleged the man then pushed both teenagers, with one falling to the ground and the other being pushed into a wall, causing a minor graze to her elbow”

Agreed he could/should have handled it better, but what were they doing there in the first place, does the hotel not have any security? I would have expected the hotel staff to turn up and throw the kids out, not call the police.

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MVdP pleads guilty to assault

Mathieu van der Poel: Cyclist pleads guilty to assaulting teenagers in Sydney - BBC Sport

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Banned from oz for a couple of years I heard somewhere.

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Yeah, I would have thought so with a criminal conviction.

(insert here joke about a criminal conviction being compulsory for visiting Australia not so long ago :roll_eyes: :rofl: ).

Other than the Tour Down Under, I doubt if there’s any reason why he would want to visit Australia to compete before the 2032 Olympics :man_shrugging:


Haha. That’s what I thought (on both points)

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Call my cynical but I wouldn’t be surprised if a civil suit follows from the kids’ parents, who allowed them to run up and down disturbing other guests in the first place, claiming they’re traumatised and their whole life is ruined as a result of this.