Running / riding in the heat

It was very humid today, even for me. Think I’ll hike, not run tomorrow. Time on feet etc etc :smile:


how long were you planning to be out there???

It certainly can increase fatigue through being less efficient…

a whole day coaching in the sun and I’ve just taken a refreshing dip…and am now shivering…

I think I’ve overcooked it…


Today should have been a 6 hour progressive ride, was 38C by time I got 2.5 hours in so eventually binned it when I was meant to start laying down some power.

For me this raises a huge hydration challenge. My running sweat rate even in ~25C is about 2L an hour at Z2-3 efforts, with high salt too. Don’t have accurate bike data, but starting to believe it won’t be much lower.

My understanding is that maximal fluid absorption is ~1L/hour at rest, and same up to moderate exercise (70% VO2M ~~ 80% HR) before it tails off.
I wonder if this is one of those areas like CHO intake where some people are able to adapt to go a little higher than what the studies say.

I’ve heard Andy Blow say they’ve seen intakes of 1-1.5L per hour at Kona (Nutrition and hydration data from Kona and 70.3 Worlds with Andy Blow | EP#365)
Today I managed about 7L over 5 hours elapsed time and felt fine - couple of moments of feeling a tiny bit full and once had a tiny burp/regurgitation (sorry) but that was after drinking 1L in one go at a stop inc 600ml milk, and I felt dry and thirsty within another 15 minutes of riding.
Generally I’ve got a decent stomach so wouldn’t worry about overdoing it and feeling full or sick, same with food intake, but no point taking in more than is getting used. Especially with the run afterwards


Their company seems to be doing very well…he is/was a good athlete and coach…

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One of the guys here is tracking core temperature. I don’t know how- will ask him next time I see him

This was from his run today

I was doing some lab testing once and they wanted to check my core temperature, when I found out it involved sticking something in a place I didn’t want to stick it I said no :grimacing:

They said they could do without it :joy:

Although I gather there’s some you swallow and eventually it reappears :flushed::joy:

Not sure if they’re reusable though :nauseated_face:


Science says BF% doesn’t affect core temp in the heat/exercise significantly - super counterintuitive, neither does hair length…

I was going to say core temp is surely a probe up your arse. Bet that’s fun while cycling / running!


You can get pills you swallow for 20 days, far from cheap


“Set a new PB today. Couldn’t wait to get home and yank the probe out”


I wonder if they fall foul of the same rules that don’t allow you to have externally mounted implants in competition.