School me on Zwift

Also, i can’t find those 20 min max numbers etc that popped up just after i finished the workout. Looks like the one i selected, now i’ve gone back to check, was a workout not a race. But i had my position on the RHS. I’m normally pretty savvy on stuff like this, but i feel like an absolute special case with this Zwift!

Resistance to tyre just needs to be high enough that the tyre doesn’t slip when you lay down the horses. Shouldn’t make a difference to your power unless it’s so loose you’re spinning freely.

I’ve got no idea about your turbo and why it’s reading high, but newly back on the bike, I’d expect 300w to feel hard.

Exactly my thoughts - there’s no way i have that much power. The more i think about it, there’s got to be some issue with the resistance in the turbo mech itself. I was spinning out in top gear when trying to go fast - there’s no way i should be doing that. Sorry - i’m kind of trying to problem solve on the fly here. Maybe i just suck up the fact that stuff is wrong, and just use it as a way to keep fit for the next few weeks/months. Just annoying me that i can’t solve it!

You can overtighten it and it will need more more power due to deforming the tyre so much. When I calibrate my KK road machine, too loose and I can’t get to the required speed due to tyre slip, too tight and it “fails” the spin down as it stops too quickly.

What trainer are you using? I used to have a Tacx Bushido, it consistenly read 10% higher than my Stages crank arm power meter (I think that the Stages read low and Bushido read high). If you have a pedal or crank based power meter, this is the best, and it doesn’t matter how tight the wheel is. If you are using turbo trainer, make sure you do a calibration after 10 minutes, when everything is warmed up. If it is just a bumb trainer, and you are relying on Zwift estimate, then you are probably not going to improve it much

I hated the feel of the trainer if the wheel was too tight, it just felt wrong. However, set too loose and it slips, especially on hills (can be resolved by turning off erg mode). I would set the resistance just enough so that it doesn’t slip

Your using a non-smart turbo with manual adjustment and zwift virtual power right?

I am fairly certain it will be that your manual resistance setting isn’t matching the setting and therefore power curve in Zwift.

I used to use a Tacx boost, which click each manual setting. I’d flick it to the bottom to make sure the resistance is minimal, then count the clicks up to see they matched the resistance numbers on the lever. Pick the one I wanted then set it in the app I’m using.

I should have bolded the Just. I agree, it needs be only just tight enough that the tyre is no longer slipping. Any tighter and you start to deform the tyre too much. I used to use a KK Road Machine but very much appreciate my Kickr now which just works the same every time.

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Ooh, how are you calibrating your a @JaRok2300?

I can never see the little spanner to do this, with my KK trainer. Are you using inride as your power source?

Just a dumb trainer @Matthew_Spooner - Tacx Twist

Yep that’s right @joex . I don’t have a resistance adjustor on a cable, just the one on the body of the turbo itself. Would 1 or 5 be the hardest resistance? I couldn’t tell the difference when i changed it, pedalled for a while, and the changed it back. Or would i really need to fire up the power to notice the resistance changes?

Zwift didn’t give me any guidance when in set up as to what resistance setting their power curve was based on (whereas i recall that TrainerRoad explicitly said put in on X setting).

Thanks bot @Jgav and @JaRok2300 - i’ll double check that when i’m next down the shed.

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I’m using my P2M as my power source so I don’t bother calibrating most of the time.
I did a few tests recording with the P2M and KK to see if they tracked and used the Kinetic Fit app on my phone to calibrate for those.
Ps. They were pretty close most of the way with the P2M showing some shigher values at the top end. I think I may have been getting a bit of tyre slip at higher powers so crank power wasn’t all getting to the roller. Overall I’m happy with the accuracy and used the KK output for a while when my P2M battery was out and had to order another one.

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i’ve found a Zwift article. I need setting number 3 for the Twist. Progress.


Cheers fella. :+1:

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Sorry about crappy picture, it’s on my work PC so can’t upload.

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May be some use to those just starting out.

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Setup Zwift yday. Found it fairly straightforward but had read this thread beforehand :slight_smile:

  • Dumb Minora Turbo
  • Vector 2 Power Meter
  • HRM
  • Windows 10 laptop (zwift app) with ANT+ dongle
  • Android Phone (zwift companion app)

Setup seemed to work out the box, Zwift on the PC found my PM and HRM right away and companion app worked fine (thanks for the tip about same WIFI network above, although a message did pop up about that).

Did the zwift familiarisation/setup ride/tutorial last night and a Harrogate Cat C race this morning with my mate.

Really enjoying it so far, the race was really engaging and a great workout, although I couldn’t believe how quick people were going, I was putting out over 300 watts up the hills and still losing the wheels (which at 68kgs real weight I thought was a bit harsh).

Subsequently realised my weight change on the companion app had been overridden when I started the main app this morning and I mistakenly typed in my height in cms as my weight in pounds in the rush! I’d basically handicapped myself 22lbs :see_no_evil:


I find the elevation profile quite hard to see in detail, which coupled with the dumb trainer meant the hills took me by suprise a bit - any way to make that bigger (apart from say invest in a massive TV which I won’t be doing!)

Not that I’ve found.

It won’t take long to learn certain routes though

My mate had done that race before so knew the course. He was ahead most of the race and me and another guy caught him just before the last corner before the 10% ramp. I was in TT mode and went past him, then he launched up the hill and had a big gap in no time.

Have to say racing against people you know is a real good motivation tactic! Will be learning that course for sure.

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Yeah i rode that course last night with three other mates. We had a 4 way messenger call on at the same time, so we could chat and take the piss etc. Was as social as you can get at the mo!

Was thinking about going on there.
Currently I use Perf Pro hooked up to my Computrainer

I have a spare Mac Mini laying around, but the set up process looks like a ball ache, and I’d get no power readings