Still a few months before my Strava subscription runs out but started looking at alternatives this afternoon. I really only need mapping to create routes so wonder if there is a decent free option?
Ridewithgps is more expensive than strava, although I don’t know if you can create routes without one.
I do, suppose Garmin Connect is an option but I had a quick look and the grey road / blue background makes it very difficult to identify roads. It looked like it hadn’t been developed much since I last used it pre-Strava.
I guess I could use it in comjunction with google maps and it would work, if somewhat clunkily.
Oh I like the look of plotaroute. I’ve only ever used mapmyrun/mapmyride but I’ve just been looking at a run route where MrsF can throw me out of her car on the way to work on Friday and I run home.
Do you not need an internet connection for it to route you to the nearest train station?
I had the free Strava subscription once and couldn’t see any benefit in paying for it. I’m not into segments/KoMs. Routes are sorted by RWGPS, or just memory. Training metrics are way better (and cheaper!) on TrainingPeaks (40% BC Gold discount - obtained from a friend, then pretend you live in British Columbia to avoid the VAT / Sales Tax - worked at £72 last year)
I do group rides regularly with a proper cycling club . There are the types that always want to be a little different, think they’re cool, gona use Komoot like the cool kids & when they plan our rides with Komoot we always end up down some rocky gravel crapy track on our road bikes. Hence the potential for a foobar’d tyre.
Blame the user not the tool. As a responsible ride leader they should be checking the route. Strava doesn’t mitigate this either. Neither does garmin nor Komoot nor any other.
If I’m planning a ride, I tend to use Google Street View to see what the streets are like. As that’s embedded into the FREE version of RWGPS - which has Google Maps, Open Street Maps, Cycle Ways / Sustrans and loads of others, basically stopping short of a full OS Map.
If you’re exploring off-road then Strava’s heat maps are useful. Great for finding “secret” downhill trails deep in the woods in random patches of forestry. They’re also useful for finding the occasional top secret American military base somewhere in the sandpit.
Yes I blame the user, using Komoot when it fooks us every time. Check every inch of an 80 mile route, I don’t think so, better things to do. Strava doesn’t throw in gravel tracks when you tell it you’re on a road ride, Komoot does.