
You’ve posted this just too late, having made my decision to drop the subscription. Having worked through options a few posts ago, I don’t really want to go back … and I don’t know how to set up the VPN and am not very bothered about finding out how to.

If I change my mind I’ll investigate :slight_smile:


Think they might have blocked it?

Clicking on ‘Gift’ link when using my Brazil VPN takes me to the login page. Using a Canadian VPN takes me to the gift page.

Ah nevermind, don’t turn on VPN until at the screen where entering names and email addresses.

My had the receipt email (to my other email address), but not had the gift email yet…

Did you receive it yet?

The redemption link is also in your receipt email at the bottom.

No, still haven’t gott the email. I had clicked on the link the receipt email and it took me to the login page and said I was already subscribed. I tried it again later, being already logged in this time, and that did work.

So cheers

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