Swimming for Hammers and Spoons

In terms of CPD as coaches, there is so much availability of information now. This brings other challenges, sifting through the noise but anytime a renowned coach is interviewed, it is worth listening.

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swim easily…or, if that is a challenge, consider why you need to swim as a recovery (not that it doesn’t have value, of course)…

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interesting…but nothing about his coaching philosophy which is a shame…

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Was interesting, how he handles different personalities and some of his methodologies, but we need podcast hosts who are coaches themselves to probe deeper

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yes…he was quite interested in himself which was a shame…a bit like your old mate…

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My current favourite tuber is Brett Hawke. Obviouslt ex Olympian, but also coached Div 1 NCAA and gets some awesome guests that are not widely known outside collegiate / US swimming circles. Lets guests talk as well.

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does lover boy know this???



He doesnt let people talk enough to know anything :rofl:

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that’s true…

I have to say his stroke isn’t attractive is it, but it’s undoubtedly effective…

How many of you lane swim ?

Are the lanes segregated into Slow / Med / Fast ?

How much faster do you find yourselves than the next fastest swimmer / most of the other swimmers ?

How many of you have had people complaining about you overtaking them (either complaining to you, or worse still, to the staff) ?
Of course they don’t actually say it’s you overtaking them they’re complaining about, it’s your “aggression” (as they think you overtaking them is “aggressive”).

Most important question : what can one do to avoid other swimmers thinking you’re “aggressive” (bearing in mind you have to overtake them… ?

Swim with a club.


Hospital has slow/med/fast, typically never have an issue as we are all polite and low numbers. only grief i had was after work once and it was very busy and people with no etiquette. I did some single length sprints and got out as it wasn’t worth my while.

Local pool is a pain sometimes, 2 big lanes. I’m fastest by a long way, people are usually good though and its double width lanes so not too bad for overtaking. If i have a “set” I can adjust , going “off 2 mins” into the back of someone, might as well go “off 1:55” and get a gap or wit a bit. Its a public session, we all have a responsibility to not be dicks and bottom line the physiological differences are very little when at our levels.


Yes I do that as well, in fact I think it is a bit discourteous (selfish even) to expect to stick exactly to ones “set” when sharing with other swimmers. But, and I think this is much of the problem, some lane swimmers want to keep swimming non stop “come what may”. Effectively they are insisting on sticking exactly to their “set” even though they are sharing with other swimmers !

As a rule I do shorter reps if there are more people in the lane and adjust my leaving times to try and limit overtaking (particularly near the ends), but, ironically, people sometimes think you are being aggressive by doing that !

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Ideally yes, but that’s not always possible or practical though.

We have that set up for public swims but generally people are polite and it is cooperative.

There is one guy who comes to the pool who is plain odd. He swims for 20-30 mins but in that time does 300-400m and spends most of his time talking to the life guards. This has him choosing a lane based on the ability to chat, not who he might be inconveniencing. He is overly chatty with everyone, including the swim kids in the shower area.

He does the strangest ‘stroke’. He is on his front, throws one arm over normal(ish) front crawl. Then drops in the water rotates about 120° or so and throws the other arm backstroke, then as he pulls that back he starts to rotate back to his front. It is like he wants to do front crawl and backstroke at the same time. His head probably drops about 50cm below the surface to enable that rotation.

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I’m going to try Whiteoaks, I’ve only used it in club swims so bracing myself for the local “ettiquette” and presumably outlawed paddles.

Plan is to use the butterfly effect (fat guy makes massive waves, see who is left after one length, see if I haven’t been asked to leave after two)


Bowleaze Cove near Weymouth :cold_face: :santa:t2:

found out there is a beach side sauna, £12 per person for 1 hour


I use Eltham Centre in winter, not been told off with paddles yet.

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My uncle lives note far from there. He is just a little S.E. from Blackheath, I mean the actual heath not the area.