The Pain Cave & Shed Awards

The projector in their incessant inane advertising seems to work very well :grin:

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I get the impression that unless you spend mega bucks on the projector and other infrastructure, it might be much more of a headache than it’s worth. Ipad/shitty laptop it is I guess

Looks like we won’t have the money to extend the new house but I may have enough room for a ‘garden office’ which could be big enough for an office space and also bike setup.

It will be a far cry from my tiny damp cellar.


How vital is a window for ventilation in a long term training room? I’m thinking from a “damp” perspective, rather than allowing for optimal cooling.
Viewing a place at the weekend, that potentially looks ideal on a number of levels, but the fourth room that would be earmarked for these purposes is an entirely internal room.

I have only ever trained in my flat in the hallway, and that’s basically internal, but it does of course connect to many other rooms which I guess would allow any moisture and heat to fairly easily dissipate.

If it would potentially be an issue, could you just get a dehumidifier or something, to resolve the issue? My portable aircon unit has a dehumidifier function, and when you use it in that way it doesnt need the normal “exhaust” that would also require a window … it has a separate pipe you connect for the extracted moisture from the air to be collected

A guy in our club has a dedicated bike/turbo room at the bottom/back of his house. It used to have an opening window but his house got broken in to so they replaced it with a solid window.

It’s grim in there. It smells of stale sweat and you can see the damp in the corners where the ceiling meets wall. I would absolutely avoid!!

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Hmmm, that was my concern. That’s frustrating if it’s a no go, as this place on paper looks excellent on a number of levels. The longer term option is to build an outhouse, but there are obviously some security concerns with that

We have a standalone dehumidifier that works a treat. Collects about 5L of water every week or 2 in a tank that you pull out and empty. Cost about £100. Keeps everything nice and dry. Rarely open the window unless to crank up the portable AC unit we have if its >20 degrees outside. Which is when I should be outdoors anyway!

I never train in my garage without the roller door open a bit and the internal door opposite open for some air flow. Doesn’t appear to be mouldy anywhere and it’s single brick, non insulated with no window.

i would’ve thought a decent humidifier would help as others have said.

Or you need to get the turbo room upgraded from #4 to #3 room in the house :wink:

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Thanks. Useful to know that might be a reasonable option then, especially as I already have an active dehumidifier

Just though, the A/C unit upstairs has a dehumidifier. I might drag that down as well.

Haha. I doubt that would fly for any potential property!
The attraction of this one is it’s a downstairs room, and that’d be logistically easier to also store bikes etc. Other potential house options would involve using the fourth smaller room that in every other case is upstairs. Those would have windows, but then you have the risk of vibrations down to the ground floor, and getting bikes in and out up the stairs

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In Germany we had a basement, and all the rooms had a window; even using a fan, I could see moisture forming on the painted walls. So it’s an issue for sure.

I use a garage now, and leave the back door open for at least an hour afterwards to let air circulate.

You have to ask the question, what does he need the other bedrooms for? :wink:


Yeah, it is a concern, which is why I wanted to seek input when I suddenly thought of it. It’s a tricky one though, as if a house ticks all other boxes, there must be some way of managing the situation to make it workable. The dehumidifier option would seem worth trying, and in reality, in a “normal” situation when in proper structure, I am only riding at home maybe 2-3 times a week, so it’s not like it’s going to be a continual sweat fest.

And there is also the outbuilding option longer term, which may be necessary anyway if the internal room got requisitioned for something else!

Probably wont end up getting the place anyway, and we still havent even seen it, but all useful information to have awareness of.

Indeed, you would’ve thought the sex dungeon room would’ve been fine in the windowless one?


When the little Stenards come along and start filling up the other bedrooms he won’t have time to turbo and it won’t be an issue anymore :rofl:


That’s the real pain train.


You need to move out of London, so you can get a house with a garage!

and this is why we need a down vote…