ugh this is not good. Ever since my big tumble at Easter I’ve been having on gain off again left knee pain. Exactly where the bruising and grazing is. Last week’s marathon hasn’t helped and I’ve been doing RICE all week with no running.
It is easing but just tried a test run and was back home within 2kms with it still hurting. I only have 7 wks until RttK.
oh Boo! EJ now says that you should only ice immediately after the injury, then you should omit the icing. Get yourself to a good physio asap. One that will electrocute you and stick needles in you to really get the healing going. With 7 weeks you should be able to fit in 4 or 5 appointments and they should be able to get you race ready.
hurts a lot - comforted only by the fact that did 23:30 when stumbled across the line with Repo a couple of years ago.
a few minor niggles to get over before SDW100 - first ever groin strain for one - not enjoying that much
first run yesterday after TP100 which was a gentle 8.5 miles. Felt OK (apart from above). SDW100 has to be one of my favourite courses - cracking route.
Very light week this week. Work is mental. (for once I can say 'Thanks Trump:rofl:) and I’ve had a bot of sore throat. Did 19km easy Wed morning and did an easy 31km trail run/walk this morning in 3hr30.
Unfortunately I’v had a massive heat rash episode on my arms the last few days. It happens now and then. It’s pretty annoying. (especially as it hasn’t been that hot!
It’s SDW this weekend isn’t it? Anyone doing that as it always seems to be quite popular.
I’m putting my ultra racing on the backburner for the summer whilst i pursue some shorter, faster stuff. I’ll be helping out though at the Jurassic Coast 100m/100k/50k on the 22nd of June. Anyone here doing that one? I think i’m going to be on the overnight aid station in Lyme Regis.
Lived there for 24years. You would think I’d be used to it. Went to the Dr today and it’s an allergy I contracted during my operations being aggravated by the sun. Got some steroid cream, which has scuppered my plans to win Race to the King, as I don’t want to hang around getting tested
Anyway, Sunday to Sunday i managed 90kms but it wasn’t pretty.
yep - will be on the start line at 6am Saturday morning for the SDW - second time at the event - hoping to do it a bit more justice this year (at least it is not going to be as hot as last year)
Weather was mostly good, apart from a couple of heavy showers at lunchtime. Quite windy, but at least it was mostly a tail wind. Glad to have finished and time was about what I was expecting, but I had a dramatic slow down at the end