Trail & Ultra Running Thread

How are you feeling @p00key ?

I am fine - very tired after not sleeping since Friday night , was great to meet you finally. @tunster was great company along the trail and the ā€˜pigā€™ quiz still has me chuckling still. It was freezing as soon as the sun went down , and I donā€™t think I did enough hill training and realised I was getting slower and possible going to be chasing cutoffs . Legs & feet were shot , but what a gorgeous route. No regrets - I have throughly enjoyed the whole experience.

Interestingly its only been over the past year that my feet have really started to suffer , had no issues in the past , so am looking to see how I can ā€˜protectā€™ them a bit more over the coming months when out running.


It was great to meet you as well :grin: Iā€™m glad you are in good spirits :+1:t2:

re the feet thing, I didnā€™t suffer too much yesterday but sometimes mine feel like glass and I have no obvious answers. Iā€™ve read conflicting things about wearing recovery sandals in the house to just wearing socks. Iā€™m not sure which one is correct.

I do feel that the Inov8 Boomerang insoles I wear help though (you can get them from Pete Bland Sho).
There is also a book called Fixing Your Feet that I saw recommended by an Arc finisher but I donā€™t have it yet.


It is a useful book, a lot (but not all) of the info is on his website in the FAQs, articles and blog


Well done on your race - great effort .

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Thanks @p00key , as GB says, get yourself down to Devon in Oct :grin:

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Cheers Doug, good to know. :+1:t2:

Yep on closer inspection seems to be more hot spots for me , no blisters but very sensitive on the bottom. Not usually an issue but anything to help, I shall start investigating.

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Which one is this?

Cheers FP

My weakness is definitely going uphill - I lost so much time on the longer climbs. Will need to make more trips to the hills before the Arc.

Also, need to get a better nutrition strategy. My stomach went at about 40 miles and basically did the last 60 on coke & watermelon. That ainā€™t going to cut it at the Arc!


Good info. One thing I found I was doing on a too regular basis was running the flats and downhills and the dropping to a stroll ā€˜at bestā€™ on the climbs. I was getting passed left right and centre!
Donā€™t try and march the climbs but donā€™t kill your pace completely. I found taking shorter steps but still maintain a high ish cadence works better.
However, the Arc route has a shed load of Cornish steps and they just need to get done any old how.
That SWCP really is a different kind of terrain.

Have a look at a channel called Sport Walking itā€™s helped me with my climbing technique

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Hmmm North Coast looks interesting (although the weather looked filthy) - will investigate further

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I did the 110km version in shorts and vest in 2019!

You just never know what youā€™re gonna get in early Oct. I think it was 2021 when the aid station tents were literally blowing away! :rofl: But from memory, last year wasnā€™t too bad i donā€™t think.

Just checked, and all the pics from last year people were all in shorts and tees.


Also - did you see that both overall winners of SDW were in V50 category. So weā€™re all going to be short on excuses!!!

Dan Lawson in the 2nd fastest time as well!


1st and 3rd in the Menā€™s race were V50ā€™s!!

I donā€™t know whether to be inspired or depressed by that!


Yeah 2021 wasnā€™t pretty. I dropped at Ilfracombe at about 4am but those that went on copped it much worse.

Couple of punchy climbs in there

First 10km and last 10km look ok :rofl:

Anyone else playing? @FatPom - I think you said you are in


Iā€™m in for the 110km

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Checking with Mrs T to make sure we arenā€™t away

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