Trail & Ultra Running Thread

That’s a bloody decent time though! Well done.

Rest up and regale your tale in due course.


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That’s still a great effort, it’s supposed to be Summer!


Gerda Steyn on course to break her record again at Comrades. She’s so incredible

You can watch a live feed this year


Jo is local to me and we cross paths fairly regularly. In her typically understated way, she hasn’t even bothered to title this run…


Thanks All. On paper, this race didn’t look very tough, about 800mtrs vert and mostly on undulating gravel/tanks tracks across the Plain.
The reality was a bit different! About 70 starters for the Ultra and I wasn’t that confident but the only bail out option to take the marathon distance was just 15 or 16kms in, so decisions had to made early, I took the ultra turn and instantly regretted it :smile:

Terrain was a mix of very hard stones/glary undulation gravel, or across fields in tank tracks that had corrugated the mud and then baked hard like concrete, country roads or very narrow single track which was overgrown. None of it devastating on its own but a tiring combo.

I started near the back and never improved on that really. Fell in with a guy at about 12km and we did the whole of the rest of the race together. What a difference company makes, I’m so used to doing things on my own.
There were two people behind us but one of those, whilst in the race was also the official sweep, so really, just one behind us. My new mate was a truck driver from St Just in Cornwall, so we had a good chat about the SWCP and we knew some of same people from down there.

For once, things were going ok for me, no headache, no hip pain, feet were sore but not mega tender like they can get. I was eating and drinking well. We trotted/walked repeat ad nauseum.

All went well until we got to Larkhill area with about 28km to go and I started feeling sick. We made a pact to finish together and my mate could have trotted away from me at any time but he stuck with me, for which I was grateful. I had that sick feeling where you’re not going to throw up but can’t take anything in either. It’s horrible.

More walking than running now but at each CP we were assured we had plenty of time and encouraged to keep going. At CP3 we learned that the guy behind was intending to drop there, which he did and about an hour later, the sweep caught us up but we were well ahead of being cut.

At the last CP, I felt awful, we only had 8km to go, fairly hilly but honestly, I could have dropped. I went for a ‘do or die’ strategy and down two cups of Coke and we cracked on with such encouragement from the CP crew.

Walked the rest and DFL in 13.23. Before the start I would have been very happy with a 12.30 finish, so maybe it wasn’t the disaster I thought.

Gave me a lot to think about though. I’m just not very good at this long stuff and not sure if I should keep banging my head against that wall or not. I’ll let the literal and figurative dust settle first though


It blows my mind that you think this having just completed a 50m ultra after 50. It’s an amazing achievement for anyone, at any age and even more so given your medical history.


She looked amazing throughout the race. The women’s 4th-7th was pretty tight in the end.

This is the only big race on my list - I’d love to do it one day.

A lady from our local parkrun is doing her second comrades today - and comfortable running with the 12 hour bus (pacers).


They keep showing a 12 hour pacer bus (there are normally several) and it’s a bit behind schedule at the moment. I know Fordyce always says the up run has to be treated with caution until 50km, but they are about 10mins down at the moment. Fingers crossed they can make it.

I kind of fancy it for my 60th. The atmosphere looks great but the course itself is just so dull.

Tokyo marathon is another option but I’m not sure if I can buy my way into that one?


Yeah, it’s going to be close to 12 hours isn’t it. Many years ago I went to a talk from Bruce all about comrades. Met him a couple of times (through parkrun) and when he talks about the race you cannot help but want to do it.

They said there’s three 12 hour buses - I know a lady in the bus they’re showing and I also have on tracker the driver of the bus behind, which is about 45 seconds further back. I think I’d feel happier with the 11:30 bus if it were me.

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One of the things I like about CM is the strict cut off, no grey area, you’re in or you’re out.
They screwed it up royally a couple of years ago and I have read about some less than savoury behaviour close the finish but overall, I like that system.

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Well done fella

Great to see you on Friday and then to see you crack this one as well


There’s the ballot and I’m sure someone on here bought either a package or charity place but might have been nearly £500!

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Cheers buddy, I’m sorry you didn’t have the race you wanted. Likewise, great to see you and meet Lex.

What’s next for you?

Cheers mate. I think I struggle with too many ‘time bombs’. Will it be my hip, a migraine, my tender feet or my back :smile:

The guy I was running with did ask me how old I was and when I said ‘59’ he said ‘bloody hell’

I definitely need to work on my mental strength though. 90% of ultras are mental and the other 10% is in your head. :rofl:


Suspect not a lot next week for recovery and the. See how I feel.

I have Sea to Sky 53km in August which I am supposed to be doing with Jack but he is a bit injured at the moment so will see if I can be bothered

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… A little trip down to north Devon in Oct :wink:

You know you want to!

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All the kool kidz will be there :wink:

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Brilliant result well done .

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That’s a cracking time mate and whilst terrain wise, Arc is a different beast altogether, you’ve definitely got the engine and endurance to realistically expect a finish. :+1:t2: