Trail & Ultra Running Thread

Thanks Jeff thats good to know - I have had a response from them with forms , so going to go for it . I had an MRI on my heart about 5 years ago after blacking out after having heart papitations when running + a loop recorded fitted but they didn’t find anything wrong - so would be interested to see if anything has changed . I do follow the heart thread so seen a few updates. Can’t wait to geek out over it.


That was a great fim @tunster , thanks. I’d not heard of her before.

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Dogs sorted

Game on

Back in training

See you in sunny Devon


ooh fantastic. If you access to a Stairmaster, use it. :smile:

Have you booked into the Premier Inn?

For the Saturday night?

Will do - a long drive home for sure

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I have emailed them

Yes, I would. I might do myself. It’s about 1.30-1.40 back to my Mum’s house, in theory should be ok but given I’m likely to finish between 7-9pm, could still be tiring.

Premier Inn booked

I intend to get “full value” out of the breakfast on Sunday morning

Think I will and try to drive down early Friday and try to get some rest in the car before the race starts


My SOP for that race is to leave Mum’s about 1.30, arrive at Minehead approx 3.15 and park on the road that has the free parking. (I’ll look it up), it’s a 5 min walk to the Quay Hotel, which is the pub outside the coach pick up. The pub will be open but they don’t do food in the afternoon.
I park up and wander into a pub called The Hairy Dog, about 5-10 min walk the other way. I have some food in there, relax a bit and then wander back to the car, kit up and then head to the pick up point.

It’s quite a walk to the PI from the finish, so you definitely want to park close. The coach will be late, they’re always late for Justin’s races, he seems to be cursed in that regard. :smile:
It’s about an hour I think, so plenty of rest/eat time on the coach if required.


Sounds ideal - late lunch in the Hairy Dog sounds like a treat

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It’s a classy place :smile:

Oh, and a word of warning. Minehead is Hen and Bucks night central, so not sure how quiet it will be in the hotel. :hear_no_evil:

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It’ll be fine. They’re all in the Butlins! :rofl:


What is it they say about a fool and his money are easily separated…?

Let’s see if I make it to the NDW50 next year, or is 30% of it becomes a donation to Centurion Running. Again. :grimacing:


If it makes you feel better, I’m probably hovering around the £350 mark for Centurion donations :smile:


It’s that time of year again.


I’m currently in Warsaw.

Holy shit it’s flat. I ran (well, covered on foot. There was walking because 25 degrees feels really hot to me, and there were trees to climb over in the nature reserve) 8.7km and there was only 14m of elevation gain!


One of my mates did a very cool race yesterday. One that is definitely on the bucket list now - the Scilly 60.

It’s 6 runs for a total of 60km - as the name suggests - where you run around each of the 5 inhabited islands in the Scillies; with a final, slightly different route for a 2nd run on Trescoe.

The overall race is decided by the combined total of your 6 runs. The catch is that the ferry, that the race puts on, leaves at a fixed time on each island; thus serving as your cut offs. Miss the cut off, miss the ferry and you’re out of the race (they do send a sweeper boat to get everyone back to the first island).

So you’ve got to manage the rests between islands etc. My mate struggled a lot with cramps, maybe from going too hard, too early.

They do a ‘fun run’ which is 60% of the distance on the Friday, with the main one on the Sunday. Looks pretty awesome, and a little bit different.


Sounds like a TT smackdown :wink:

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And would you believe that the Thursday before SDW100 and again on Friday just gone it happened again - I’m lucky to have private health care with work - so referred to a cardiologist next Tuesday. Hopefully nothing underlying (ECG/Bloods came back fine after spending a morning in A&E the other week). Cant run till I have seen him.