Dot watching a mate of mine (tent mate from MdS 11 years ago) on his Bob Graham attempt
Weather a bit warm
Does make me think though….
Dot watching a mate of mine (tent mate from MdS 11 years ago) on his Bob Graham attempt
Weather a bit warm
Does make me think though….
Haha, I did think as well, fortunately CCC made me see sense! Although I’d like to do it over maybe 2 days? I need to look at leg 1, done most of the rest in bits.
It would be an amazing achievement
Being honest I suspect that I am just not fast enough - would be interesting to give a few legs a go to see if it is realistic
Leg 5 is a gimme, but after ~20 hours probably not! 3 & 4 seemed the worst. Both start with 2 long tough ascents.
I did think that distance wise based on my CCC time I’d have a chance although the course is quite a bit different in terrain and there’s the support to consider.
I’ve watched a lot of BGR films. By far the biggest advantage as far as I can see, is having the right crew pacing you. Folks that can navigate the fastest route with their eyes shut.
Not having to think about the optimum lines and not carrying your own stuff is worth huge time.
With the right support, I reckon you both have the chops to give it a good shake.
This popped up on my feed, just watched it. I know it’s 12 yrs old but really describes the desire and disappointment of trying to push as you age.
Lovely film.
Won’t be able to stop long at Honister. That bit from there to Honister isn’t too bad if he gets the right line and I vaguely recall the descent wasn’t bad.
If he’s got 3 hours for leg 5 he should make it! Get someone to provide vaporfly’s for the last 7K!
Will he make it?
It’ll be close but he’s up Dale Head so it’s mostly flat/downhill from there, and a decent section on road. Little tricky bit coming up but about 11K in nearly 2 hours, Killian did it in just under an hour!
He was allowing 98 mins for Robinson to the Moot Hall - will be closer than he would like I am sure
Profile for the last leg from Honister to Keswick
Tracker hasn’t moved for 20 mins - hoping it’s a reception issue
Edit - as cannot post again for 3 consecutive replies
Tracker jumped to say finished at 8.25pm so looks like a job well done!
Nicely done!
Great news
Just heard from him - 23:41
Made up for him
Wasn’t even close on the end .
Hey @gingerbongo , I was looking at the CSW site last night.
You up for the Paddy Buckland Round ?