Triverest - Triathlon over the elevation of Everest

Doing a 24 hour on a track is in my plan for this year. Probably in sometime in March or April

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They do a few different routes. I did the half a couple of years ago which meant going through both tunnels 4 times. Makes pacing difficult with the lack of GPS and surprisingly hilly route.

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They do a few of those here but the ones I know about are invitation only. I guess there must be others though. I was listening to a podcast by James Ellison last week (he owns Centurion Running), they do a pretty famous one and he was saying how outrageously expensive it was to host.

Which surprised me a bit.

Those tunnels on the cycle route by Bath are brilliant. After a couple of attempts I’ve worked out what I think is a fabulous cycling route from Bristol Temple Meads back home to Romsey/Southampton. Goes through the tunnels. Although possibly the bit through a field is the biggest highlight :wink:


Backyard is a headfuck,
When I dropped at 18 hours (6AM) I was totally fine physically, but I was just bored and had decided that if I kept going into the light there would be no reason to stop until 6PM when it got dark again and quite frankly at that moment I time I could not be bothered with it and quite sick of the cludgy up/down nature of the course.

I would like to do one again but on one that would suit my penchant for flat routes. The suffolk one in the UK looks great, just 12000 odd miles away atm :grinning:


You could run most of that as a warm up. :rofl:

Fully agree, I did 15 hours (which was my starting goal as I had a triathlon 2 weeks later). I think the challenge of a BYE is that there is no fixed end point, so you can’t say “I am 80km in, 80 to go”

I have entered another BYE in April, my goal is 24 hours. @YKK, you would hate it, lots of elevation.

My strategy is to minimise the stops, run/walk from the start, leave 7 mins each lap for food and toilet

The official date for Goggins is the first weekend in March and a few at the Tri club are talking about doing it. I can’t really make my mind up if it’s something I’d want to do (even if capable)
4miles every 4 hours for 48 hours - lots of hanging around, trying to sleep, waking up, getting stiff/cold and a whole weekend of it.


Sounds like a rather boring way to write off the following week from being tired from not getting much sleep. I think its perfectly do able for most on here. Just really not that fun. It’d be a no from me.


That’s like rowing the Atlantic etc. It’s the time as well as the money/sponsorship; oh and probably being single :sweat_smile:


Goggins. The epitome of toxic self-engrossed masculinity.


I did it, and found it pretty rough and Funkster did it a few weeks later: 4 x 4 x 48 challenge 2021 - #37 by The_Iain


You just need to know a Sir John !

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As Iain has signeposted, you can read my whole write up of my experience.

I didn’t find it too much of a challenge, as I just decided to do it.
Trained as normal the days leading up to it and then did 13 hours the week following.

Started at 8pm Thursday, so was done by 4pm on Saturday.
Only really two wobbles, but managed to hit my target of under 30 mins for each one.

I did it as a sad loner, so might be easier with buddies, but of course I could recover much easier being alone.


Goggins is an Andrew Tate of the motivational fitness world; he has a target demographic which is not dissimilar.