Watcha watchin'?

You think that’s long?

Try “Once Upon a Time in America” :zzz::sleeping::sleeping_bed:

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@toby_Hole_in_the_leg – Even those who wrote this a few hours before your spoiler?

Despite all the delays, the plot was an impressively well-guarded secret.

So, even if your first spoiler was an accident, you kept doing it didn’t you?

Which, without doubt, makes you a complete ****.



I assumed he’d been drinking and thought it was funny. I thought it was poor form.

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Not great drills for someone normally so handy with the edit function.

I was going to apologise

But that’s abusive and completely over the top.

Not cool online to take it down to personal abuse

Maybe up your Prozac you self absorbed ninny and don’t unload all your shit on me

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Just watched Infinite in Prime.

What an absolute load of utter shite. So many liberties and ridiculous elements in it. Could’ve been quite clever with the premise, but nope.

Even as a mind off action, some stuff was just stoopid!


That the new Marky Mark thing? Will give that a swerve then in that case.

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Half way through the Army of Thieves on netflx. It’s the prequal to Army of the Dead, not bad so far

Watching Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation again. Definitely think its one of the better MI films . I like them all, but this has some great set pieces and stunts.

The opening A400M stunt, the Opera scene, the BMW chase, and the motorbike chase, and the underwater data centre scene. Plus Rebecca Fergusson in that yellow dress


That’s the one.

It’s like Prime directors said ‘Oh, that Immortals on Netflix was popular, let’s do one of those. But don’t make it too obvious, instead of being immortal we’ll reincarnate them instead’.

It’s a much crapper version.

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Last Night in Soho.

Physiological horror. Best to go in knowing as little as possible.

Takes its time getting going, but well paced. Looks beautiful.
Great soundtrack.
Couple of annoying characters.
18 cert due to one scene, but some gore.

Well worth a watch.


I’d agree with most of that. Liked the 60’s throwbacks.

Bond - excellent


Tried to find something spooky after trick or treating but the closest I got was Family Guy and American Dad Halloween specials. FG one was pretty funny actually.

Don’t think I can keep my eyes open long enough but I’ll give Midnight Mass a go.

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Two more things on MI - Rogue Nation

I like how the composer merges the music with Turandot throughout the film, making the melody of Nessun Dorma in to a love theme for Hunt and Ilsa.

On the other hand the physics of the underwater data centre are bullshit. Constant supply of water feeding the current in the torus. Great, but there’s no drain, so where’s the water going? It’s just going to fill up and spill out.


MI - Rouge Nation, starring Ru Paul.


Bollocks. Edited my post now, so yours makes no sense anymore. :see_no_evil: :slightly_smiling_face:


Well I’m changing mine to Eddie Izzard

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Not even released here in Aus for another fortnight, so I’ll thank @Hammerer and co for cleaning up whatever happened yesterday :rofl:


So “self absorbed ninny” is a personal compliment, is it? :roll_eyes:

Do what you like, I’m not the one who can’t handle a packet of wine gums am I?

Or are you forgetting your homophobic outburst from last year, explained by…

Just remember you used your imagination to fill in the **** didn’t you?

There are plenty of 4 letter words that aren’t completely over the top.

Given that you were going to apologise, I guess even you knew you’d been one of them. :wink:

Cheers, Paul. :slight_smile: