What did Santa get you for 2022

We used to have that kit as well :joy:

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That ain’t physics, that’s a Modular Technology GCSE…

It’s electrical wiring diagrams etc. I was taught all that in physics.

I have no idea what heck modular tech is! :joy:

In my day it was the design tech (woodwork etc.) gcse for electrical wiring and stuff, you had to make circuit boards and stuff. Dunno if it still happens, had specific labs at school for it and everything.

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Ah Ok. It was deffo physics when I was in school. Still remember the teacher. We, in the typically pc manner of a bunch of teenage boys, used to call him the leprechaun. He wasn’t Irish, but he was short, balding with these great big bushy gingery sideburns. Bloody hated him! Sure it was mutual! :joy: :joy:

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Not a Santa pressie as such, but I’m polishing off some M&S Prosecco, Tescosssss Parmesan & Garlic Twists in between tidying up Quality Street.

Fucking beyond me why my Parkrun time has tumbled the wrong way :smile:.


Another belated reply…

Happy with my haul, as, yes, I still like books, DVDs & CDs. :wink: