What is your ‘life status’?

Things got much easier for me 12 months ago when I moved in with my partner. We’d always lived 3hrs apart meaning the weekends we spent together were write offs. Now even if I go for a club ride with cafe stops and punctures where home an hour later than I said I can claim still seeing each other more.
Obviously as said above that logic doesn’t fully wash though :rofl::thinking::roll_eyes: @stenard


44, 3 kids (12,10,7) Started a new job which is 6.5 miles from home and a regular 8-4ish. Alternate run/bike on the commute, so have got in 5runs this week. My wife works Sunday, Monday evenings so I get on Zwift when the kids have gone to bed. They all go to church of a Sunday, so I go out for a long run
In run up to IM I tend to take 3-4 weekdays off work in the months run up to do long day sessions. No swimming at the moment

I have two kids in their 20s from a previous marriage.

The new Mrs FP wanted kids and I was dead set against it, then she didn’t want them. After I broke my back and was mobile again, i said we’d try for kids.

So now I’m 54yrs old with a 5yr old, Mrs FP is over the moon and I get to do or spend pretty much whatever I want.

The weird thing is, crumbling body aside, it’s me that holding back now, questioning whether what Ive been doing is still fun? Sometimes I actually want to do stuff other than train but mostly I don’t.

I have a 50km each way commute which takes about 45mins. Work is very stressful but generally hours are manageable. We have a well equipped gym onsite which is very very useful.

getting much more interested in what my daughter wants to do though. Which is strange because I hate kids! :laughing:

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Indeed - the other thing to note is that Mrs JGav also runs. That means she understands but also needs time to do her thing. She runs up to HM distance meaning her long runs max out at 90 ish minutes.

Well if you play the field you gotta take the consequences :rofl::fearful::astonished:

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Not just you, there are a few others I read (not just on here). Although I did only get to the end of your Nice bike before I went to sleep last night :joy:
I’ll pick up where I left off later!


My partner is attempting her second half marathon but is a 2:15 runner, we do some runs together though as it’s still nicer and means time together, treat it as a recovery run and try add on some extra distance once she’s finished.
Also Ex-swimmer so she’s starting to give tri a go, done a sprint and 2x oly

Also fair play to all the lunatics who have had 3 or more kids. I’ve jever fancied being outnumbered myself, 2 is probably 1 too many :joy:

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53, married, no kids, work 50 hours + 90 minute train commute each way. Train approx 8-11 hours per week in the off season, up to approx 16 hours when nearing IM event. Have an understanding better half. Can usually get out for a run during the working day (2-3 times a week), swim / turbo in the evening and long ride, run and swim at weekends.

Our daughter has been in France this week with school; one child is a breeze… and no squabbling :joy: Can’t wait to see her later though :heart:

  1. Two teenage daughters and a wife that works part time. 8-4 job, 30 minute drive away so can easily get shorter sessions done in the evening. Longer stuff I am out early at the weekend and often back in before the girls get up.
    Definitely been more aware of money and time spent over the last year or so. Therefore, year off of long stuff next year and concentrating on planning a long haul
    family trip for a month in the summer without IM getting in the way.

43 Married, no kids with great support from the wife.
40 hours/week as an engineering manager at a tool manufacturing plant with occasional travel. Live within walking distance so plenty of opportunity to train in the mornings, evenings and also manage a morning session on both days at most weekends.

50 years young, one Son1,doesn"t live with me, he looks good on the Pads but not a great swimmer, his aspirations of a 70.3 when hes 18 are beyond deluded but ill help him all i can.

Work 19 hours a week,Part time which in real terms is four 11 hour nights then 10-12 days off. I can train at night so pretty rich time wise i guess
Very lovely very long term girlfriend,doesnt work, very independent so again i can train whenever i like.
A few investment properties, really hoping i can retire at 55 but its not looking likely at the min.

47, partner, 3 year old kid (maybe another one in the pipeline soon), self-employed so work can sometimes be flexible, sometimes restrictive. Can train in the morning before work, on the way home after work and very occasionally I can leave home after returning from work for a run without eyebrows being raised. I try and get the family involved in a parkrun on Saturday morning, or do it a bit faster if I’m on my own. Most of my training goes unspoken and unacknowledged, but the volume of kit going in and out of the washing machine clearly means that it doesn’t go unnoticed.

Stick at it, they"ll get older quick, enjoy there youth.

I’ve always said to be successful at triathlon, you need a strong relationship and a much stronger washing machine. :grinning:


37 married, 2 kids from a previous relationship.
Work 35-60 hours per week as a consultant in Retail Banking.
Work is where the work is, so how much I do depends on whether I’m at home or not.

I do “proper” exercise every other weekend. Generally a park run and a 2-4 hour ride.
The other weekend is take the dog for a run on one of those days. Two if I’m feeling okay.

Weekdays I fill in the blanks.


Can you say what firm you work for?

Kit washing is the 4th discipline of triathlon



@GRamsay - My wife is never pleased when I return home and have two/three kits to wash :see_no_evil:
I’m banned from using the washing machine, as it interferes with the “schedule of washing”
Mind you, I’m the same with the dishwasher :rofl::wink:

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