Wheel Spacing and Gear Indexing


This means I have to get my measuring calipers out

Wasnt that what I said earlier?!

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I tried to do this with my wheels a while back. I could always get the gears but they were a bit hesitant when swapping over, just requiring a quarter or half turn on the adjuster. I wasn’t swapping the cassette just using whichever ones were on each wheel.
In the end I gave up and resigned myself to that slight tweak each time as the differences were minuscule as far as I could tell (from end of axle to first cog).
If you can’t get an entire gear then there may be more in it and the difference be significant enough for a spacer or washer to cure it.

YES! And @Doka - I have the link Doka sent to measure :slight_smile:
Cheers - I am super annoyed, just wanna ride my bike :frowning: (Again)

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