Wiley - wtf

Ooh I’ve heard of him. :+1:

The story with Andy Serkis is amazing.

He was brought in to be the reference for Gollum in LotR.
They needed someone for the actors to interact with and they would CGI in Gollum after

Thing was he didn’t just stand there, he BECAME Gollum.
He threw himself around, did the voice (he had to have a drink to keep his throat from fucking up)

Peter Jackson (the director) and everyone was so blown away, then completely changed the way they went about doing it.
They used his performance and created the character around him and from there “performance capture” was born

The scene at the end of The Two Tower where he acts with himself his breathtaking.

After that he started the whole revolution of using motion capture for digital characters and helped pioneer the technology that stuff like Avatar and Avengers used.
He did the motion capture for Kong and then, possibly his best work was on the reboot of Planet of the Apes.

What was amazing there was they took motion capture out into the real world rather than a studio lot.

He also directed the darker of the two recent Jungle Books and is directing Venom 2

Basically he’s a legend



Wasn’t it Poet who said that work on the house came before training, or did FP say something similar too? :open_mouth:



He could learn from Chuck D :facepunch:

We could all learn from Chuck D

But yeah I can’t stand Drake either. I think Wiley has spent too long watching conspiracy videos on youtube.

Poet said that but I disagreed and said the garage came before training. :grin:


There’s other issues with Drake…

I know some nice Canadians :wink: .

Yes, there is that.

What’s wrong with Nick Drake? Great songs. :grin:

And I stand by it.

Half Man, Half Biscuit: Everytime a Bell Rings

"He got a Boardman bike on the ‘Cycle to Work’ scheme. Discovered he really enjoyed it. Started watching the Tour de France highlights on ITV4; worshipped at the altar of Wiggo and Froome-dog. Goes out every Sunday in full Sky replica kit

Get your hedge cut
Get your fuckin’ hedge cut
Get your hedge cut
Get your fuckin’ hedge cut
Stop analysing Strava
And cut your hedge"

Now you’re being anti-Semitic.

de la Hoya was a championship boxer who took on all-comers.
Also name checked in many other rap/grime songs, see: Stormzy’s Rachael’s Little Brother

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Have you been picking wild mushrooms over the weekend?

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Drake’s Jewish, innit.
You have to like Drake, cos Chuck D said so.