No escape from it!
Definitely not for me though, probably snap in half
Sebastian Kienle put a video on YouTube yesterday or the day before about him doing Hyrox and how he’s as fit as he’s ever been. Apparently he does some gravel racing as well.
Can Tritalk just open & switch a shed load of bank accounts
Sent 30 squid ( pensioners rates)
I’m thinking 50 for anyone with an actual job
Southerners starting at three figures !
( There all loaded )
Long live tri talk ! X
Cost of living much higher down here; so…
Can Northerners count? How would they know what we are throwing in
I’m Welsh !
A Celt…!
Oh we can count, I know you put in FP.
If you can you can if your struggling hey ho.
You say that like it’s a good thing!
Mrs FP starts her new job tomorrow, so we are totally rolling in it
And @Whisk et al no yorkshire tenners thanks
mass banking fraud, its easy sloggers said so
Scottish tenners?
Missed this, will send something your way
Was looking for the links to click through which support this site. Thought there was something but couldn’t find. Anyone know?
Oh no hang on do you mean the affiliate links for Amazon etc. Not sure where they went
That’s the one. Thanks
More updates to discourse app, the summary of thread statistics appeals to my nerd
@AndS this is the thread, I think there is info in the first post.
very small token (test) amount sent.
Reassuring name came up and looks correct. End of month I’ll see about a bot more.