2021 Open Water Swim season lift off

Been there lol

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I do love putting on the whole clobber in front of everyone though.


Gladiatorial, innit :sunglasses:?

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I watched the beach for a good ten minutes - a few gentle waves that wouldn’t be much to get through. Was bloody surprised at the strength of the current pulling you out towards those rocks and the next bay. Enjoyed it though. Hopefully get one more swim in tomorrow


Booked my first ow swim for tomorrow (following @mw22’s lead :grin: for impending Lakesman), lake (32) is a “tropical” 12 degrees apparently. Still planning on double capping (not got a neoprene one) and booties :joy:.


Just love wading into the deep and paddling off into the hinterland - first swim is always a shocker though

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Got in…missed the step off the ramp… Really got in 🤦
Brain freeze for first 100m of …let’s call it paddling. Once that eased off things were much better. Gloves were a revelation…tho need to put them on before the suit to stop water getting in quite so much.
Half hour ish in the water … probably only a km of swimming in that. But it’s a start.


Windermere was looking NOICE from the boat today :+1:t3: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:
No swimming though :sob:


Lake 32 was 13°C apparently, but still felt pretty cold for the first few mins and could have done with gloves after a while :scream:. Was quite choppy due to the wind which kept it entertaining :grin:

Crampy calves at the end, I seem to get that when the water is colder. Might have been the run in the morning though.


@toby_Hole_in_the_leg , do you start from the North end of Lomand to avoid the plebs :grin:

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Hah hah, not sure why my behaviour is different to a tri, but the last 2 weeks I’ve tended to breastroke for about 100m before having a chat with myself :smiley:

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Lol. Few spots. Gfriend likes a barbecue though so have to endure balmaha at weekends with assorted riff raff

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Most fun ever had there was that inch by inch swimrun in Loch Lomond. Do you know it? It was mental fun

swam from east side across to west, hopping on and off all the islands, quick dash up conic hill, back down and north to milarocchy bay, then back across navigating that little bunch of islands close to Luss.

Partner insisted in taking his shoes off every time we went into the water :joy: still great fun though. Superbly organised. There were hot catering urns/ feed stations in the oddest places.

The look on the faces of a couple of fisherman when a few hundred odd competitors in the get up waded in past them at the start early am was priceless

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25 minutes this morning in 10-11 degree lake, bracing !


I hope all this cancelled swim nonsense isn’t contagious, or I’m wasting my time! :joy:

Sea swim #2 for me tonight. Another 30 mins. Nowhere near as idyllic today though! Bit of a chop on the night. Plus 4 days of wind has mixed the sea to a foamy, scummy brown ming. If I’m sick tomorrow I’ll deffo know why!

Last week it was as flat as a lake and as clear as pool. Tonight my mouth feels fuzzy and I want to brush my teeth like ten times! :joy: Also coping with the cold fine though. Wetsuit and a single swim hat, and that’s it. But very cold now I’m home. Feet are frozen.


Yeah - I’m always fine when swimming, then the cold hits me like a brick when driving home.

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Oh and @Doonhamer tried the speedo goggles out for the first time. :ok_hand:t4:

30 mins of swimming, with a few rolling waves etc and not a single leak or adjustment needed! Perfect.

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That moment when you drive to the local water, in my case Loch, and it hails on the way thus suggesting said H2O might be somewhat tepid.

The longer inwater pre crawl breastroke faffing and upon exit the cramp and largest shrinkage and smallest dick in the world competition winner would hint at some water coolness :joy:


Budgie smugglers not the best choice today then?

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Why the hell did I book OWS for tomorrow morning? :cold_face: