2022 Goals

Yeah, she was in the GWR tent at the start

Sign up to a local sprint. No logistics issues to get in the way and sprint distance should be easy enough to complete for someone who’s done tris before.


Thing is its as much about changing a mindset and getting myself out of a rut as it is training for anything. I could sign up for a 5k on my doorstep, Im either going to chose training, or chose sitting on my arse drinking. Lately, its been the later


yep…i seem to have made a career out of it…

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Simple for me in 2022… I want to go sub 11 at IM Copenhagen. Its a big stretch for me, but I prefer goals like that.

My current PB is 12:01 (Austria) but I don’t feel like i’ve put a good race together yet at full distance, and when I did for a half, managed a 5:13, so sub 11 full might not be out of reach.


Race to the Tower in June - Probably More of a Run/Walk/Run affair.

Some longer sportives, possibly overseas.

No Tri in the books, but I want to work on my swimming; I have never been remotely happy with it, this probably means finding a club/coach.


We have the same goal.

10:59:59 will do!

I won’t get near that at Bolton, Outlaw maybe?

Starting to miss tri now, which is a good sign I guess.


No substitute for a club, and a coach would be even better, but my swim pro videos on you tube took 7? Mins off my 3 k time.

Ozzy bloke, once you can work out what he’s actually saying… he’s very good .


Effortless swimming?

Think it’s a guy called Brenton?

Watched a few, and enjoy them



Ah that’s someone else!

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This guy really breaks it all down he named 5 things that age group tri ers do and I was doing three of them … it really was simple free speed for no extra effort.

I’m still slow but it’s certainly for less effort.


Why is this a binary choice? Semi-serious


because its really hard to stop spilling your drink while you train.


Ha, fairy nuff

Can’t do both at once by definition

But right now I’m sitting on the sofa with a can of San Miguel and 1 hour ago was on the treadmill running to Purple Rain, so can do both sequentially


Because I have no self control. My tolerance for alcohol is comically high. I can’t just have a few beers, I’ll drink as much as I can get away with.

The next day I’m in no state to train. And the calories in alcohol and the poor food choices it leads me to makes me very fat.

It has to become abbinary choice and in the past I’ve been very good at stopping drinking and committing to the training. But more recently that’s been harder to do



I find that training is almost a defence mechanism against drinking too much.

More than say 2 drinks tonight, tomorrow’s run would be miserable- so the stop sign comes on. If I wasn’t planning to run tomorrow could probably drink the fridge dry and then start rooting at the back of the cupboard for that bottle of raki we brought back from Izmir 5 years ago. But I’m in a groove of exercising every day & it works as a great limiter, weirdly.


That’s how I am when I’m in the other zone. I won’t want to drink because I know I’m training tomorrow and it will bugger it up.

That’s what I mean about changing the mindset. I need to get back to the zone where training is my priority, not getting shitfaced.


I was in that position but committed to my first Ironman knowing I would have reign back the booze if I was going to make it. That was 14 years ago and where I met the TT.01 massive at Sherborne


Need to get an early 2022 goal to motivate training for the next few months. With the London Big Half marathon pushed back to autumn I’m looking at other half’s. Presently thinking Berkhampstead half on 6 March, sub 90 would be a nice goal.