I wasn’t meaning to be too cutting with that comment! Was more coming from personal experience…I ran a fast road 5k this summer and just missed a whole minute barrier by 4s. Found a track 5k the following weekend so thought I’d do that to break the barrier. Only I then had to go and buy some track spikes as that event did ban Vapors and they were checking at the start line. Was a waste of money on the spikes, as I blew up!
I know, I was just trying to make sure you got credit for the info!
I am now looking at spikes… should post on the Nike a thread but wondering how a pair for the zoom air victory compare to Vaporfly or alphafly?!
The dragonfly are what I got. They’re the track supershoe equivalent. They’re what Laura Muir use for example. Or the Air Zoom Victory. All the Nike distance athletes use one of those two.
The dragonflys are the most “trainer-like” spike I’ve ever had
Swim more so I don’t become the second fastest IM swimmer in the house to a 12 year old. TBF I’ve handed over Breaststroke already, my knees cant cope anymore Probably join the masters , although its awkward coaching them one week and being shite in lane 2 the next
I actually have the Essex 100 to do, the new Ride London and I have Eton Sprints and Windsor Olympic still from 2020. I might add something else in if I get to those three fit and healthy.
Ooh just thought of a new early season goal: Zwiftpower points score
Going to go with
bronze: 300
Silver: 275
Gold: 250
At some point in the year
I’d like to get under 300 but I think the other 2 are out of reach. Just need to pick better races for me.
I think if you just did Zwift TTs you’d get there easily.
They don’t seem to attract big fields though. Hilly courses definitely don’t suit me.
I’ve been having the lightest December training for at least 3 years, I have also eaten more and put on more weight… however, this is all part of my sub 9 strategy. I will lose the weight by the end of Feb no problem. I am fully reseted and ready for some full on training for the next 6 months.
@Chriswim if you can average anywhere near 250w, you should be looking well under 5 hours. Your swim is such a strong asset, means that you can go a little easier on the bike and have legs for a great run. Let’s see how Corona Measures go, however, I really recommend this event at the end of Feb
I think that some big early season endurance events are the key to a strong run. I am planning Crux run in Feb, Zurich Marathon in April and a Cycling Ultra in April / May
Thanks, but I repeatedly seem below average at converting power to speed and is focus to improve.
I originally just assumed inaccurate power but measured from multiple sources, now deciding I need to better learn how to ride a bike outdoors.
Getting a TT bike has helped - Recent 70.3 was 36.4kph for 265W NP. Previously don’t think I’d ever averaged a ride above 31kph.
EDIT: But strava reckons Steve Mckenna rode 265W AP, so likely 275-280W NP on that course, and averaged 40kph.
Looks great, but zero chance for me ever getting there and escaping the Australian prison not even sure interstate travel is that likely.
For me I think just cycling volume and get used to big days. My 3 years of tri I’ve done 6700 6500 and 6200km of riding.
Maybe a standalone marathon but unlikely as I don’t think I can do both in short succession yet, running hard destroys me and loss of training would outweigh benefits.
I can’t recall your physique (your run speed suggests you can’t be that big!), but does seem slow. I’d get that speed in a 70.3 off c200w, so that would indicate there’s likely some very easy gains to be had position/equipment wise
Swimming life means I’m a little bit denser/have little bit wider back and shoulders than some triathletes but certainly not particularly big. I’m 75kg natural weight and feel weak/look gaunt when I’ve previously got down to 72 thinking lighter = better.
181cm, 31 inch waist, 40 inch chest.
About the same size as my kittens
Ha a very silly moment by me there
In my defence I’d been awake 24 hours, and only 4 hours sleep in the 24 hours before that!
Well…the running ones are out of the window.
I’ve not ran for two weeks and don’t think I’ll be troubling a sub 90 minute half in 14 weeks, let alone 80 minutes
I don’t think I’ll be rocking up at Cotswold to get beat by any of you second rate triathletes, either
Still think I can get a win at a pool sprint.
Drowning a 6min 400m is my forte!
Smash out the bike leg like you don’t have to run, then attempt to run.
There’s a tonne of pool sprints locally, all with decent start times and near to somewhere with something to do afterwards (West Kirkby, Clitheroe, Southport, etc etc)
Booked off the Summer Solstice to do my longest ride.
Doubt I’ll be riding a solo century on the winter solstice ever again
That was grim.
I’ve been giving a LOT of thought the last few days and even went to a coffee shop with Mrs FP and LO to discuss and clear my head. It was good to have a sanity check.
Over Xmas I was talking with my sister about my disappointing year and whilst she hates sport to a degree I’ve rarely seen She basically said to me that her and Mum thought what I’ve achieved over the years was fantastic but they hate to see me injured or beating myself up mentally about races.
Mrs FP asks me why I always have to the ‘epic thing’ but not in a bad way. I don’t have an answer.
So, I’ve 90% made up my mind to abandon the Centurion Grand Slam. I’m not convinced I have the body for it and deep down, maybe not the passion. I’m enjoying working on the moto and I’d like summer to be free of 6hr training runs and leave me time for riding the moto and cycling with club more.
My favourite race last year was Endure 24. (I think it would have SDW if I’d finished it). E24 had the whole family involved and was such an adventure in the motorhome, it’s an event I’d like to do again and this time in Reading.
SDW100 is unfortunately just 1 week before E24. So I’m thinking that the plan will be:
Brighton Marathon Apr 10. (was a sub 3.30 goal but we’ll see how the build goes)
Thames Path 100 in May
E24 July 19
This gives me the coveted 100 mile goal to aim for but doesn’t blow out my whole year and if I DNF, then I DNF knowing that I have only one disappointment in that regard.
The rest of the year will be just random stuff but nothing epic, just stay in shape stuff. I ‘may’ look at the Serpent Trail 50 as it’s fairly local but who knows.
To miss SDW100 will be a shame but I keep thinking I’m headed down a rabbit hole of depression. When i entertained the Slam I was in better shape and thought SDW DNF was a ‘blip’ but these days I’m far from sure of that.
Get your ankle sorted and crack on lad!
Clubmate here just road sunrise to sunset on summer solstice. Few hours shorter than UK summer solstice, but still a long day out on the MTB trails.
If I can’t get in for Cairns ironman I might be tempted to steal the idea for winter solstice which would be 10hrs.
Winter solstice in UK could be beautiful depending on the weather. If perfect winter day then it’s only 7.5hrs, spend 30-60 minute stopped for a coffee/hot chocolate and you’ve probably only got 180-200k of tootling round.
Kind of thing I’d only decide day before with weather though.
Yeah, I rode a mostly solo 263km in 10hrs 14mins moving, 11hrs 31mins elapsed on June 24th last year. You can get a decent chunk of riding done in 12 hours
I rode two 200km rides this year on consecutive weekends.
202km 6hrs 42mins, 8hrs 13mins elapsed
205km 6hrs 41mins, 7hrs 51mins elapsed
That’s what happens when you ride with other people.
205km ride was sweltering UK hot, I broke people after 160km and we had to bail into a shop for A/C and extra water.
202km ride, we stopped for what I thought was a “quick” cafe stop, which turned out to be a three course meal for some people
For my Winter Solstice century, I was just bored.
I don’t think I’d spoken to anyone but my wife and shop staff for about three, maybe four, weeks
So it was tough mentally.
It was also “Feels like 0°” and my front gear cable snapped and saddle kept slipping.
Moving time 5hrs 40Mins, elapsed 6hrs 12mins.
Most of that was stopping to adjust limit screws and the saddle
I reset the ride when I arrived at the cafe for a beer afterwards and just ignored the final kilometre
Check your kit
Ride solo, but make sure you’re mind is clear and content
I tend to work on 5mins stop time per hour of riding if it’s going to be a ride over five hours.
Less than five hours and I generally don’t stop, if I’m riding solo.
Current goal for 2022 is to see the taxi I’ve booked for 00:30 turning up