Anyone using Wegovy or Ozempic? Or do we think it’s too controversial?
Might talk to my GP as Ramipril seems to keep my BP from madness but not really in healthy range. BMI still 30, so I believe I’d be eligible.
Anyone using Wegovy or Ozempic? Or do we think it’s too controversial?
Might talk to my GP as Ramipril seems to keep my BP from madness but not really in healthy range. BMI still 30, so I believe I’d be eligible.
Truthfully I have been thinking very hard about trying Moujaro.
Take a look at Mark Lewis on YouTube for a balanced view from someone who has used it.
My BMI is under 30 so I would have to tell lies to get it.
His weight / body composition is one of the most “varied” I’ve ever seen in a part time athlete.
I wonder if he’s still on TRT?
Not heard of him in any hyrox events recently
Yeah sometimes I like his stuff, sometimes not. But I like that he appears to be honest about his mental health issues.
Obviously I’m really anti peds
Like I think we all are on here.
I like his videos and he comes across as very honest and he is quite funny
He’s still and FUCKIN CHEAT THOUGH !
100 kilo 40s guy doing 19 min park runs did raise some eyebrows, the way he “ came out “ was very good though
Have to respect him for that
I had a brief look, there seems to be some concern in places about possible long term effects, but its hard to determine if that’s genuine or internet BS.
What put me off was this guy James Smith who is an IG/TikTok PT. He tried it and whilst lost a lot of weight said he really struggled to eat, and felt sick if he forced himself to and couldnt get enough protein in each day,
As I was doing the gym and lifting weights I didnt think that would work for me.
Thing is with them is they dont make you burn fat faster, they just supress your appetite but thats not a problem I have when I am focussed
I’ve thought about it but unless I was actually diabetic I’d not take it. The FDA label info is here for Wegovy These highlights do not include all the information needed to use WEGOVY safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for WEGOVY.<br/>WEGOVY (semaglutide) injection, for subcutaneous use<br/>Initial U.S. Approval: 2017
My BMI is 31.2 at the moment. I think it has to be over 35 to get it on thr NHS and I’m not getting it off some dodgy website!
Yeah, I’ve never thought that I ate a lot. I still don’t. But here I am .
My main concern would be that supressing appetite supresses exercise. Well, that and I can’t stand the idea of drugging myself.
I’ll mention it to the GP. He thinks I’m fated to high bp by my genetics so I don’t think there’s anything else to try.
Cant decide if I’m frustrated with lack of progress on weight.
Ive mostly stayed the same despite trying to eat cleaner and calorie count. I think I’ve been putting on muscle from the increased gym lifting but did want to drop a couple of kg over Jan to help with running. Will contine with the focus on eating for Feb and hope the results start to come.