2024 Races

Good luck @Adam, go get it


Good luck Number 1!


The thought of racing sends shudders down my soft spine at the moment! :joy:

Good luck. Let’s see all that swim training carry you well!


Sub 4.30, back in the car and finish that kitchen by mid-afternoon :rofl:


Good luck, Adam :+1:

Only a sprint today!

Feels cold, lake is apparently 18° and wetsuit optional


Go well!!

I did the British Champs there in 2013 with JB from TT1.0.
Think I did a 61 overall and came 66th :roll_eyes::sob::tired_face:

Here are my splits to beat.
Fastest transition. :nerd_face::exploding_head:

Stupid quick folks from Luffbra :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Go well @adam - say hello to @SidSnot :ocean::wave:

@Mungo2 - good luck tomorrow. I ain’t paying that.

No bloody May Bank Holiday races either.
Deva is only a week before my big event.
22nd June weekend I’m next available.

Anyone now what the Cholmondley Castle events are like?I know it’s £250 ish quid. But it’s close and a nice 8am start…which will mean on the day registration. FTW :heart_eyes::star_struck:


Good luck @Adam

I did the Skelly 10km trail race last night (Skellingthorpe near Lincoln). I wasn’t expecting much with my current fitness and delivered accordingly. But it was fun to have a blast out and a nice event. I do like the low key club races.


Close on the swim I think, had a mediocre bike and just did as well as I could with the run, it was a touch short.

Driving back now will report back once home - wave 2 are racing now so I’ll see where I finish overall


As a previous winner of the chimney castle sprint “ gothic “
That’s the only race I can say that about, it was a lovely setting small lake swim, mostly country lanes bike and an up and down run.

It was quite expensive in 2010? IIRC?
They do a 70.3 ish effort now I believe ?
Nice set up and brill trophy.


Well that was a fun 11 or so hour round trip:

Got up and left at 3:30 Saturday morning after packing on Friday. Arrived at HPP just after 6:30 and sorted that rear flat tyre which fortunately, was just the loose valve core.

Registered then sat and had a coffee with plenty of time to kill. They used the old school transition at the end of the lake but split it with T1 at the end and T2 just off to the side. The lake temp was recorded at 17.2° and wetsuits were declared optional. I can’t ever imagine a time where I wouldn’t wear one though, can report back that the water felt lovely actually I was expecting cold but was pretty tropical.

Anyways, lined myself up on the front row for the deep water mass start and despite splitting the race over two waves still got into some argy bargy in the first 100 or so metres. Swim was pretty poor from me my arms felt tired and a bit dead, had a complete inability to swim in a straight line too, every time I sighted I was veering off to the right. The course was anti-clockwise and by the time I’d turned the last bouy I could see the front pack that I’d been dropped by with me being a minute or so back. Got out of the lake in just under 13 minutes, close to a minute back of where I thought could have swam and I to T1. Found my bike sat down and proceeded to fail at getting my wetsuit off my legs and felt like it took an eternity doing so.

Out onto the bike and caught and passed two people that overtook me in T1 but then found myself in no man’s land really, no one behind and no one in-front, just me cursing that shit swim. I also couldn’t really put any power down which is a fair reflection of where my cycling is at the moment, I averaged 265np for the ride, well down on normal numbers. After about two laps I started to feel like I was in the groove of things but the course which was just the perimeter road of the lake was pretty busy now. Caution needed overtaking the slower riders and watching out for the bloody geese with their goslings in tow. Approaching the end of lap four I could see Ross Harper out on the run but didn’t spot anyone else so presumed he had a decent cushion over 2nd. Bike was just over 31 minutes.

T2 was fairly uneventful apart from losing a show at the dismount line, happy to leave it there and recover after the race.

Run was actually alright from me, my plan was to try and hold sub 4 minute kms and I just about got away with it. Again a pretty lonely run, there was a group of three just up the road but we were running similar ish pace and couldn’t reel them in, tried to count how many were ahead and I guessed about six or seven up the road. Fortunately only one lap of the lake this time and the orange carpet came around quickly enough with a time of 18:54 and total time of 1:05:58 bring me in 7th overall and 1st M40 in the wave.

No fuss after, packed up and hopped in the car to get back as I had to take my five year old to a birthday party.

Checked the results after wave 2 and I’d been pushed down to 13th overall and 2nd M40 losing out on the AG win by around 30 seconds or so.

Really good supporting event to the half though and I loved the thrill of racing again despite me not being at my best, would recommend if you’re local or find yourself there for the half. Probably not the 6 hour round trip and 2 1/2 hours sleep I had before though!


Well done Adam, nice report too.
Was new to be before I started Para sprints but it seems it’s std practice for sprints to lather forearms & legs in baby oil for fast wetsuit removal.


Yeah a bloke next to me in transition did it, I almost asked him to use some. I’ll give it a shot at the lake next week and will probably go for it racing too


Punchy times from the half today!!


When I did the Para race in Turkey there was a Welsh visually impared guy in the team whose 1st time guide was Toby Nisbet. Nice lad & is racing Roth as his 1st race as a pro.


They need to get shoes that fit their feet.
Not two sizes too big :rofl:

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A friend of mine had entered a trail fun run/race but couldn’t do it so offered to transfer her place to me. It’s at a localish vineyard and you get a slice of cake and a glass of wine at the finish - sounds good to me.

I have very little run endurance at present - 5km is ok, and thats about it, I’ve done four runs longer than 5km in the past year or so - thankfully three of them in the last few weeks.

It’s 2.5k laps and you run as many as you want. My aim was to do four which I managed to do. About 100m of each lap was on road and the rest hills, fields, trail, mud tracks, gates, styles or just squelchy mud.

It was a lot of fun doing multiple laps, I nearly slipped up about three times (with trail shoes) and I finished in about 54 mins. I ran a 57 min flat 10k three weeks ago (with our running club) and it nearly destroyed me so I chuffed to feel ok today and nothing like I did the other week,

The cake and wine were lovely. A happy Sunday.

My bad knee isn’t complaining any more than usual so I’m really happy with that.


Well that was quite a day!
I have honestly never started a race so stressed !
Cheshire triathlon
My 6th appearance so I know the the dance.
Stayed local ( 2 miles from the pool all week so two practice swims that went well.

After a late night Saturday, I wasn’t missing one of the biggest fights for years I arrived in plenty of time and everything was going to plan untill 14 mins before the start when I managed to lock my Audi key in my car?!

Luckily I had everything I needed and was soon joined my several racers trying h to find the bloody key?!
6 mins later someone commented that I should be swimming now?!?

I arrived with 1 min 20 secs to spare, several “ cutting it fine “ comments… at this point I knew I was looking a 120 mile round trip to get the spare and was totally disinterested.

I’ve swam 16 lengths in that pool 6 times this week
Slowest time 11mins fastest 9:20 ( which was probably a touch fast)
I started swimming and was fixated on the key… I know you shouldn’t…
Every length I nearly stopped but then did another and another
It was chaos at one stage I was walking behind t four Brest strokers going one way whilst a guy doing crawl was literally fighting past them
Swim 12:30!?!
Again I thought duck it I’ll stop, got to my bike, sun was shining … of. We go!
Planned bike was 40 mins got to the roundabout by t2 in 34…
eased off and 36 ish bike (21 k)
Run was on wet grass and just ran angry 170 bpm all the way

Not sure on splits yet ( I’ve probably been dq”d in the swim anyway)
But 1:13 ish total
My best sprint tri time in recent years!

Key couldn’t be found
So drove home to get spare !
Came back 3 hours later and opened car
The original had fallen into the rubber seal perfectly facing the rear hatch so when it came down it pressed the button down and locked it’s self in the car. ?!?

Wanker !

Something good always comes of something bad, my son and girlfriend ( who I both love very much ) fell out 9? Years ago and haven’t spoke since

Today when he brought me home for the spare they spoke … and they were nice to each other, which makes me very happy.

Weres that cider … cheers.



Ah no, key locked in car as race about to start :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Great effort for cracking on and finishing in a good time despite adverse circumstances