2024 Races

The pro world is moving phenomenally with the investment in bikes and position with custom equipment.

However, Chris Beckmans in 2nd did 4:05 at Outlaw Half.
Could the Hamburg course have been short? Especially when they’re posting sub 8 with 60 minutes swims.

Sad to see PEDs already get mentioned.

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Very sad

3:19 marathons for two in M55, but they could be still 54!


In all fairness a guy I wouldn’t expect to be anywhere near 10:11 … ( neither did he and he 100% doesn’t take peds ) is!
He’s just posted.

Maybe just a fast course on a good day



I’ve seen him at the “ hyrox “ clinic !

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Bike is a couple of kms short seeing what has been posted on Strava today but nothing major - course seems very fast!


Good, well those are some stunning results!


It is. And was, sorry.
It was meant to be a little jest, based on some of @Mungo2 Hyrox posts and some other stuff elsewhere on Swiss clinics :woman_shrugging:t4::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Having had a look at Strava …

  1. No Pro Male race, so the neo-pros might target this race as one they can win overall
  2. 18° all day, wasn’t it? Perfect conditions
  3. Lars Wichert is a 2016 Olympic rower :exploding_head:
  4. 177km bike, 41.7km run …, plus 500m transitions. All pretty “normal” - so not a madly short course
  5. Two loop closed road bike course, barely a hill in it

“Age groupers” doing sub8 is utterly mental.


Paging @Jorgan our bike leg was just over 185k, so around 8k, that’s about 13 minutes at least, and a couple of minutes off the run!


500m on the run course is like 2mins for those chaps.
Bike looked to be 176.5km, but advertised at 178km. Theres a dead turn, done twice, plus a bit round the town (tall buildings?) where GPS goes haywire usually. At 42kmh (which is what the top AGers did!!!) that’s ~3mins.

But transitions looked to be 700m + 500m ish.
Which nets off the bike/run being slightly short (to be fair T2 + run distance = 42.2km :white_check_mark::+1:t3:)

I mean, just to put a “UK” slant on it ….

Those guys were doing a 3:49:xx 100TT, after a sub hour 3.8km swim, followed by a 2:49 marathon :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

Age groupers indeed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:


I was comparing it with the bike leg from 2019.


Aye. I know :bulb:
No more extra 5km around the windswept tundra of a Hamburgian industrial estate now :rofl:

In the era of dwindling entry numbers, a longer, slower course, with the added peril of maybe being taken out by a moto rider and possible death isn’t going to attract numbers :woman_shrugging:t4:

A super fast, closed road, looped, spectator friendly course is :white_check_mark::bulb:

You’ll be left with Wales, Nice and Lanza, with the rest being similar to Florida, Barca, Italy etc.


I figured my 10:41 was definitely worth a 10:30 on an accurate course with more traditional transitions.


I made it 186km.

Trying to think if the 2019 Hamburg bike course is the least enjoyable (full distance) I’ve done. Quite possibly.

Austria looks even more appealing now it has two different 90km loops. Great swim location, interesting bike and well shaded run…plus good for spectators.


A friend is doing Austria in a fortnight, I’ll Strava stalk him :joy: and try and ask him at the gym :joy:


This weekend is a bit of a TT 'super Saturday, we’ve got:

@p00key , @tunster and @Edge doing the epic SDW100

@Sparky crewing his good lady Jan at Endure 24

I’m having a crack at the Salisbury Plain 50 miler.

Who is else is racing?


I’ve got a standard distance tri on Saturday but will be bailing the run, not going to risk aggravating the leg at this point.


Windsor Oly on Sunday. Our club is using it as part of the club champs so should be some good racing.


What’s the water quality like?? Was pretty poor a couple of weeks ago I heard.

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