2024 Races

Heard the same a few weeks ago too. Heard nothing since. I’ll blindly and naively assume it’s fine :melting_face:


GNS WIndermere 10k Sunday, should be a wheeze :cold_face: Acutally, believe that the water temperature is about 13 degrees at the moment,


Not racing per se, but I’m riding a gravel event covering 300km from Colvend (Dalbeattie) on the Scottish coast, to Morpeth (Northumberland) on the English coast.

Weather looks, erm, interesting for camping :umbrella::dash:
Although, I’ll take a tailwind :rofl::white_check_mark:


Windsor Olympic too. 7:30 wave.


I’ll look out for you, I’m starting at 7:40


If anyone is doing Challenge Wales this weekend as one of the (alleged) 1000 athletes - do have fun.

You have one TO and one Moto Official for 1000 athletes! Neither have been appointed by the BTF despite the event being the Welsh Middle Distance Champs. Due to a disagreement between the Race Directors and Welsh Tri, no Welsh officials will be present - the RDs are basically contravening an agreement signed last year about how the event is managed from an Officials perspective so suppport has been withdrawn.


Sounds like an IM Ireland disaster waiting to happen.


Different dynamics but it’s worrying.

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Let’s hope not ?! The race were two died?!

Yes, but as FB points out they were different circumstances, but it sounds like there’s no Welsh officials there to police it and one draft moto means it will probably be a complete draft fest and I think those roads are fairly narrow in places.

Fingers crossed it passes smoothly.

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I get that
Forecast is good but what would happen if the swell was too bad like in Ireland ?

With out the fun police there to call it off …
( officials are essential … especially when it’s nasty)
That race was a disgrace with a few of the pros commenting how rough it was IIRC ?
The vids looked awful, people laughed at me when I said I would have point blank refused to get in… it was dangereous
The two poor souls could have copped it in the swim if it was flat calm this happens but that swell really didn’t help.

As you say there will be a few team time trials with only one scooter on the course

It’s a sheltered bay I think so hopefully none of those issues, I’m more thinking of multiple pelotons on small roads with some poor bike handlers!


Hyrox world champs in nice this weekend.

Elite 15 race tonight ( we’re you can watch very big ( by tri and endurance standards ) guys and girls run impossibly fast !

The weekend is the age groupers ( pro weights only ! Ouch!!)
Super Sowler is in there somewere and I’m sure he will go well.

On you tube live or download the app.


just on the drafting front ( of course no one here has ever drafted ), i do think there should also be self policed by athletes out on course and naming & shaming allowed ( that will upset the WOKES)

so if the Taffies are not approving the event how will you be covered by your home counties membership insurance & liberties etc


it’s not a question of Wales Triathlon permitting it - that is something done by the BTF (and I see as of this morning it is still waiting for its permit) - the issue is over other matters relating to the organisers.

IF the BTF don’t permit it for whatever reason then athletes BTF membership is not valid for the race and the organisers would need to ensure they have appropriate insurance in place.

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If you fancy dot watching … should be on this tomorrow :white_check_mark:


:camping: :scotland::mountain_biking_man:t3: :england: 🏕


Have a good one Tommy. My mate (#9) is also doing it, feel free to name drop me if you’re lonely.


Thats Tommys day ruined :joy:


Oi Doony. WTF you doin mate?! I had this bloody loud, tall northener yapping at me for hours on end thanks to you! That was my peaceful gravel trip ruined.


Good luck my good man.