2024 Races

Have fun TP


This does look very cool though :+1:


If you are feeling bored Saturday/Sunday morning - usual link for dot watching

@tunster 435
@p00key 593
@Edge 376


Good luck all :+1:


Well thank feck for that, our Tommy seems to be 20 mins ahead of my mate, so although he can probably still hear him it’s hopefully just a background noise :smile:.


For those interested … probably not many ?
The elite15 races ( both mens and ladies ) were crazy.

With the lead changing constantly over the last ten mins, a proper race.

So spectator friendly I really hope hyrox don’t turn into the next Ironman ?!


@Poet is almost half way on the Frontier 300


I see that @Carlito formerly of this parish is between @Poet & my friend.



Anyone know how Tommy is doing? :grimacing:

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266km in, that’s a proper day out! Looks to have quite a few people within 1km either side


Yeah he’s been doing well picking people off all day, currently 28/130-ish starters & expected to finish within the hour.


I did the aquabike today, clearly by the number of M50’s doing it we all need to stop running!

Reasonably pleased, swim was chilly at 16c but I got in a decent rhythm and my sighting was very good for a change, it was a bit short at 1.4K and although the time wasn’t great only a few fish went under 25 minutes. There’s a lad I see at the pool quite regularly and he was less than 2 minutes in front but in the pool he’d comfortably take at least a minute per 400, he’s retired and is in there about 5 times a week at least and must be doing something like 12K PW.

Wimped it for the bike and put a merino brevet on which would cost quite a bit compared to an aero skinsuit type material but still got round in about 70 dead, it was really windy and only about 10K where it didn’t seem to be in your face.

I put out 270W which was pleasing, it felt hard but that was the plan and especially after 2 consecutive hard nights on Zwift. Probably overbiked a little bit knowing I wasn’t running but still think I’d have managed around 45/46 with recent run form.

Bike wasn’t terrible compared to others, it was just the propel with tri-bars, even using an aero top, and a couple of other things and I think I’d have been 2-3 minutes quicker, really should get the TT bike sorted and I’d have probably been better still.

Leg has been a bit niggly today, not sure if it was that or just trying to do some exercises. Not sure if it will survive a 70.3 in 2 weeks but going to keep up rehab and back to a physio again this week!

Not entering anything else that involves running for a while though, will look at a couple of TT’s.


Cheers folks :heart_eyes:

That was ABSOLUTELY EPIC :heart_eyes::scotland:➡🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
60kmh on gravel descents :star_struck:

Had to wait for the morning movement, so set off later than planned, so just picked people off all day.
Felt really good.

THE CLIMBING THOUGH :sob::man_facepalming:t4:
~4,700m :bangbang:

Worth it for the descents.
Headphones died by Kielder, so I made a friend and cycled the last five hours with him.

Campsite at the start was good - free. And free coffee. Plus an indoor toilet at the hall.
Campsite at the finish? I’m not sure how many times you need to slam your T5 door per hour? But it sure as hell isn’t 60 :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Feed stations were average, but had stuff you needed / wanted.

All in all, I’d say that is the best £125 I’ve ever spent on an event :white_check_mark:


Nice one TP!

Chatting to Chickenboy this morning, not seen Sid yet


Good luck fellas!


One of you looks a lot happier than the other. Good luck Gents.


Good luck fellas !!!

Dr Dave plays it cool doesn’t he.

Good race but so bloody busy. Seems they let the quickest AGs set off last. Just constant overtaking all race from the swim to the run.

2:19 overall for me giving me 7th M40

Chickenboy beat me by a couple of minutes :smiling_face_with_tear:

Haven’t seen @SidSnot s result!


Great stuff mate :+1:

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