2024 Races

Only apart from when it’s not raining. :joy:


I just saw that Anya Culling, a 2:34 marathoner (but only in recent years) did 70.3 nice at the weekend. 44:51 swim, 3:30 bike and 1:34 run.


Her progress has been meteoric.

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“That was very hard. Not a chance in hell I am doing a full Ironman.”

We’ve all said it :slight_smile:


Off to Holland in an hour (hopefully!) for the 70.3’s

This weekend is Westfriesland 70.3 which is a town called Hoorn about 40K from Amsterdam. I think the course has barely 200m of ascent across it, and half of that is the swim :rofl:

Anyway, about 3 weeks ago I thought I was in with a shout of sub-5 if conditions were alright and no mechanicals etc., less sure now. Swimming is enough to give me a chance, cycling isn’t too bad but not that many miles in a TT position for 90K so I’ll need to see. Forecast seems to change every time I look on the BBC but I’ll take the current conditions!

But, I’m now really nervous about the run, I don’t want to go off to quickly and pull out after 3K, equally I don’t want to jog 18K and then try for a fast final 3K. I’ve only done about 2K in nearly 3 weeks and although fitness wise I’m sure sub 1:40 is there it really is a question of how the leg goes.

But… I went to see someone else this morning who I saw about something hip related 3.5 years ago. He seems to think I’ve got some nerve impingement from the tight hip area! Although I did say this recently and wondered if some of it felt like it could be sciatica. So, more physio and he’s given me some stretches but most seem to agree on the tight hip area. Not sitting down after today should help matters. And in some ways it is also confirmed by the fact it was a lot better when I was off work.

For race 2 it’s pretty similar, I know Doon has done it a couple of times. If the leg holds up I might put a bit more effort into the run, but it could be an aquabike!

Looking forward to going but the leg is really making me doubt the running.


And the latest installment of Jeff’s travel debacles continue!

Good luck though mate, fingers crossed about the hammie.


Is there a dot watch website for @jeffb crossing the channel?


[quote=“jeffb, post:826, topic:3790, full:true”]

Anyway, about 3 weeks ago I thought I was in with a shout of sub-5 if conditions were alright and no mechanicals etc., less sure now. Swimming is enough to give me a chance, cycling isn’t too bad but not that many miles in a TT position for 90K so I’ll need to see. Forecast seems to change every time I
But… I went to see someone else this morning who I saw about something hip related 3.5 years ago. He seems to think I’ve got some nerve impingement from the tight hip area! Although I did say this recently and wondered if some of it felt like it could be sciatica. So, more physio and he’s given me some stretches but most seem to agree on the tight hip area. Not sitting down after today should help matters. And in some ways it is also confirmed by the fact it was a lot better when I was off work.

Good luck Jeff,

If it’s nerve impinging in the hip, consider piriformis syndrome, the small piriformis muscle, which I think is only there for stability, can get injured and swells up. The Sciatic nerve passes very close to the Piriformis muscle, when it swells it impinges the nerve. I had this a few years ago, and had random pains, in my lower leg


Indeed, Wales is well known for its deserts


Not looking too bad now actually :crossed_fingers:.


Whilst he didn’t particularly say that it’s possibly part of the issue as well as a bit higher up due to the nerve route.

P&O ferries.com :grimacing::joy:


We produce some cracking desserts - usually have sheep or leek in them but they’re not b… Oh “Deserts” - sorry, no clue what you’re on about for Wales. Note entirely sure there is a Cymraeg word for it.


Anyone else now wondering how Jeff’s going to sleep? I like the idea he’ll stand at the end of the bed and fall backwards to get into bed, then in the morning do a really impressive pressup out of bed.

I don’t want to know how taking a crap is going up work…


Standing up sandbagging ?!
Top 5. No top 3 Tri talk sandbagger for sure.

But I’m sure all of tt wish him well on his double 70.3 adventure and hope the leg behaves


Had an email about the French race, they’ve got the go ahead from the mayors of the towns on the route but have had to make a small change around one village that misses out a steep climb, not sure where that is or how difficult :man_shrugging:t2: doon probably does. It reckons 19%!

The route they’ve uploaded is 86k so it might be a bit shorter as well? But at least it’s going ahead :+1:


Looks like it’s the village at the far end - or midpoint - of bike course. There was a decent climb, I passed a few walkers.

I do hope that the wind is kind to you on the day & if it isn’t I hope they have plenty of water safety cover to pull cyclists out of the canals.

Have you downloaded the app? I think you need to present your details from it at registration.


Don’t worry, with my current weight and diet I’ll have plenty of ballast, more concerned about whale hunting :joy:

Errm, what app :grimacing:

Edit: I think the climb was about halfway .


I seem to remember I had to present my phone, can’t fully recall though…was the app “Chrono” something or other :person_shrugging:?

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Got you on the tracker @jeffb - best of luck!