2024 Races

Can’t remember which thread Doon mentioned the French election and his racing holiday but I read yesterday that the organisers of the etape du tour have rearranged it this year by a day to the Saturday to allow people to vote.

This has caused quite a lot of issues for people who were due to arrive on Saturday and the big organised tours with some saying they are getting charged an extra £400 for a hotel :flushed:

First world problems but petulance from Macron!

Nothing about my triathlon yet but that is the week of the first round.


top work Clive, did your best.Brr sounds cold!!

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I’ve not entered yet.
Got a pretty busy July and start to August, so maybe only a three week block now and four weeks from mid-August to September.

Unsure about paying £230 ish to amble round :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Lakesman done. Off for a cry and a burger king and a lie down. Thought the last lap of the run was never going to end.

Not looked at times and stuff yet but genuinely, if it wasn’t for this place and you guys I’d have never even had the guts to enter, let alone get into shape to finish something like this. I don’t contribute much to any discussions and it takes me twice as long as everyone else to do anything, but I’ve learnt so much and been really inspired by all your amazing achievements and crap banter. So thanks guys.


Nice work :clap:t3:
Enjoy that BK and nap :hamburger::sleeping:

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Well done, you got round which is half the battle, and a lot more than most people.

Looks like Mr ME did something like 4:23 and won M45 :1st_place_medal:


Congrats! Did you enjoy it, in that hurty, hate it way?!

This is almost certainly the most relatable start to a race sum up I’ve ever seen.

Well done for getting it done.


You did well. more than well. Comparisons are meaningless TBH. All you need to know is that you did it and I can guarantee that everyone here is proud of you. :+1:t2: :clap:t2:


Well done @Paul

Conclusive proof @p00key that BK is the recovery food of champions


Burger King is a service station meal of champions isn’t it.

Great stuff @Paul, well done!


Amazing, congrats @Paul. You should be really proud of yourself…

…. We’re certainly proud of you!


Can I answer that once I can think of anything other than how much the chaffing around my sensitive areas hurts? Either I missed a spot with the bodyglide or it sweated off. Jeezo. No bath salts for me tonight.

And if anyone does look at my times, contrary to how it might appear, no I did not remain in T1 for a three course brunch. I just like to take my time and decompress and I wasn’t going to run over the concrete and stones like a maddy :smile:

3 pee stops on the bike though FFS :man_facepalming:t2:

But yes. I enjoyed the swim and the bike and the first loop of the run… Managed to time the finish so there was a bit gap and the gave me the full cheerleader guard of honour, flashing lights and finishing tape jazz. Nice touch for all those that get it, they really make a huge effort. First and only time in my life I know what it must feel like to win a sports event :smile:


Great effort @Paul, well done that triathlete. Sounds like a fabulous ending to a tough day :partying_face:

Re the chaffing - I stuff a load of vaseline down there and never seem to have any pain.

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How did @Doka get on this weekend?
My internet use is terrible :rofl::face_with_peeking_eye::roll_eyes:

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Swansea Paratri World Cup is next weekend


Ah, cheers :white_check_mark::face_with_peeking_eye:

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World Series race FB :wink:, forecast is damp with 32mph gusts welcoming us to Swansea :man_facepalming::rofl:.


Apologies - downgrading you there mate! See you at the weekend

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Never rains in Wales.