2024 Races

Of course !

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There was about 1500 finishers yesterday? Probably enough to justify it for another year?

We’ll see.


55-60 year old winner went 5 hours or so
Quite a big drop to 2 nd and 3rd…

Reports are it was a “ good” race no serious complaints from the few I know and a “ decent “ bike course.


shame about the weather

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??? :grin:

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Ironman certainly seem to be teeing it up for next year…pre-reg updates etc. However that probably means nothing.

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Could be worse
It could be today …!
It’s hissing down

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it was that wet stuff that wets u through earlier on

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At least one of the lads I know that did it seems very enthusiastic.

The full was always well supported, just a shame the roads were crap!


FWIW the race I was supposed to do on Sunday looked really good from the bits I saw. Should be reasonably quick as well as transitions were short, although the bike was about 4K short this year, no idea on run accuracy but lots of people went sub-5 and even with ~7 minutes extra on the bike it would have been a large number.

Swim looks as easy as you can get, in a rowing lake, up one side, across & back. Bike course seemed generally good, roads were decent with a few rough patches and even the climb in the middle was over in a few minutes. Junctions were generally policed so you could go straight through. Agree with Doon though, a second lap would have been hard work if you were doing the full. After a steady start I went at a decent pace for most of it and got round in 2:36 and that was without some aero gadgets, the way back was a bit slower as a headwind picked up.

Run looked alright, a few bits with fine gravel but plenty on the road around the lake, probably less than 100M climbing.

For the 70.3 you could register on the morning as the male race started at midday, plenty of people seemed to be heading straight from there to Calais. The full, swim-bike and duathlon all started earlier, and there was a sprint\standard on the Saturday along with the junior races.

Only couple of grumbles were the lack of showers, looked like a long queue to transition but I think that was probably because too many left it late. And the lack of other languages on the literature and at the event. I don’t want to sound like a typical British knob but I think it would encourage more from the south of England to attend.

Edit: they could have had more athletes if it didn’t clash with an Ironman & Challenge 70.3 events on the same weekend.


After 8 years I’m back in the game. Was entered into the Ironbourne Full but dropped to the Half (sensibly). Last Tri was a DNF at the Enduroman Triple in 2016, been doing some running shit on and off since then.

I’ll be properly chasing cut-offs. No change there then. Retirement (from work, not racing) does not easily translate into more time for training.

Anyone else in Eastbourne in a couple of weeks (other than TC naturally). Would be good to catch up.


My Ardèche races start tonight with a standard distance at 19:30, followed by a sprint tomorrow at 11:30 & a middle on Saturday at 07:30.

This means that my next few days will be a merry-go-round of racing, eating, washing, sleeping & resting :joy:.

I think it will be a wetsuit swim for standard/middle & skins for the sprint.

I soft cycled the standard bike course yesterday & it was an absolute pleasure. Great surface, I was either going up or down at 5% or 6% & there were many tight, long bends.

The standard run has a mixture of surfaces, is really wiggly through the host town before crossing a pontoon bridge to the opposite town where it climbs 100mtrs before crossing a proper bridge back. This is done 3 times on the middle.

Weather is great, a bit windy & shouldn’t quite hit 30degC.

Pacing & recovery across the events will be key but is never my strongpoint :person_facepalming:.


Have you mentioned this to your back? :joy:

Good luck :+1:


Or actually supper time?

I’d fall asleep during the bike leg!

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I’m more worried about getting to sleep afterwards :worried:.


Looks like Doony had a great start to his triple threat of races!

Hope you got some sleep buddy!


Race was fantastic. Beautiful scenery, great weather, closed roads & I could appreciate it all as I wasn’t giving it full titties :grinning:.

Sleep is another thing completely. Officials are going to official but we were sat around in transition until 10:30 as the refs wouldn’t let us exit :person_shrugging:. Got to campsite quickly washed & tidied away some kit & off to bed.

Still looking at my watch at 01:00, campsite pigeons woke me at 04:30 & then building work somewhere at 07:00.

My wife has some sort of heatstroke hangover this morning & will be MIA for a good section of the day recovering :worried:.

I think my next race - a wee baby sprint - is at 11:30.


French “Arbitres” can be over-officious when they want to be. The ones that are WT qualified do have a better approach, but the local ones can be right PITAs.


Apart from an eye-roll I was fairly accepting of it, but there were some heated exchanges, pulling of bikes & waving of arms.


The other situation where this can happen, is when they don’t want to be…