2024 Races

I’m out of the London Triathlon due to a bureaucratic issue (our side booking corporately), maybe look for a local one.

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I thought you were racing in France, not Italy!?


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Survived the XS Tri. 400m swim, 11km bike & 2km run…didn’t like it as much as last night though.

I’m much more chilled knowing the ins & outs of transition & that doing all 3 triathlons we get set off separately & earlier…this was me a few minsbefore transition opened.

We were walked 400m down to the swim start up a street & over a “beach” & I appear to have picked up a cut to a toe. It’s not going to fall off but I do find myself favouring my other foot. You had the choice of skins/wettie - as we did last night - & most of us went sans neoprene. Swim was a bit wild, but fairly well mannered.

The bike course was pretty awful after last night’s dreamy route. Narrow, gravelly, pot-holed & despite lots of marshalls the roads weren’t closed :grimacing:. I wasn’t taking any chancey cornering today I just bimbled my way to T2.

Run was a good 50% off-road which suits me fine. Legs at no point felt zippy. I’m pretty sure tomorrow will be IM pace.

Got to the finish, munched away on melon, almonds, coke & yoghurts & we were allowed our bikes 90mins after race started which was a welcome improvement.

Sense of humour about 4/7 on the Magnus Cort scale :joy:.


Middle distance this morning.

Had a reasonable night, woke by thunder @ 05:00.

Managed a couple of movements this morning.

Allons y.


Anyone at Roth this weekend ?
That race looks mad !

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Spoons is doing it.


My friend is a coach now ?!
He had loads doing Bolton last week
Two of his guys are doing it.

They won’t be anywhere near him. ( apart from the swim maybe )

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I’ve got 3 club mates to track.


All in all I enjoyed the middle distance today.

Those of us - about 90 - who had started all 3 events were given a round of applause by those who were just doing today’s races as we took our place at the front which was a nice touch. We were given a couple of minutes head start on the swim-bikers & another couple of minutes on the triathletes & all was going well until my goggles snapped across the bridge of the nose with 900mtrs to go. I couldn’t swim & sight normally as my contact lenses would’ve washed out to had to backstroke keeping an eye on the other swimmers to my right while communicating to the water cover that I was actually ok :roll_eyes:. Considering that drama I was happy to clock just over 34mins for the 1900mtrs.

I thoroughly enjoyed the bike again, cycled well within myself taking in the scenery - lavender fields, boules tournaments, Vallon Pont d’Arc, vineyards & Ventoux in the distance - & vibes of the local support.

I’d taken the ride easy as I had no idea how the legs would feel on the run. Turns out they felt fucking great :joy:. It was 3 laps of Thursday nights loop, so a bit of town, off-road, over pontoon, steps up a hill, more town, miserable out & back, more town & bridge across to original town. I ratcheted my effort up as it went on, passed plenty & my laps were all within 30secs of each other. Those of us doing all 3 had red number bibs & on the out & back sections could give nods/high 5s/whatever to each other…which was nice.

98/328 entries today & 31/93 of those who did the 3 events…no idea of age group rankings yet which is irking me a bit.

I’d thoroughly recommend the series, it’s a great local event with huge community support. Having said that, everything is just that bit harder when camping - particularly in this heat - & my sense of humour is probs 2/7 atm but that will bounce right up to something like a 5 with a good night’s kip :grin:.


Backstroke !
Jesus !!
Great report and 3 tris in a row is certainly a
“ thing!”

A very well done

Post that AG placing if you find out


Great races and imagine what the other swimmers must have thought next to someone doing backstroke, never seen that before. :grinning:
Are you goggles predator flex by any chance


Local trail race for me tomorrow from Chris’ manor, I’m doing the 21K version, did the 40K a few years ago in prep for UTMB but it would break me ATM.

Mostly just a bit of fun to support a local race and some of my favourite trails.


proper job mate :+1:t2:

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The very same, been sat in a drawer for a couple of years…I’d heard the stories, I should have known better :roll_eyes:.

But they fit me :person_shrugging:

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Great stuff @Doonhamer - sounds like you’ve had a real blast over the series.

And fair fucking play for swimming backstroke!!

Roth tomorrow, will get Spoons in the tracker, have about 15 club mates out there and there’s racing at Outlaw Holkham


I was thinking at the time “Adam would probably do butterfly :joy:.”


Spooner out in 1h27m I think he’ll be happy with and through transition in 5m :+1: 4h30m pace on the first 5km of the bike…


Solarer Berg is an amazing hill on race day


14 years since I did Roth

Great race - Chrissie came 7th that day in 8:19 and presented me with my finish medal when I came in (ahem) some hours later