2024 Races

For anyone that’s done both- Solarer Berg vs Saundersfoot for crowd?

Looks like no barriers lower down like they have at SF?

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Solarer Berg is definitely more intense as the crowd are so close (definitely a no passing stretch). The climb isn’t as steep so you can just sit back and enjoy the experience, whereas at Saundersfoot it’s easy to get carried away going up the steep section. Both great :+1:


was also there in 2010 as part of a relay team - I did the bike leg.


Solarer Berg is a TdF style climb with the crowds so close they are touching you - Saundersfoot crowds are further back. Both intense though.

The other one that was similar (race is no longer there) was IMCH in Zurich - the top of Heartbreak Hill was like a lesser version of SB


Na the crowd at SF the last two have been so close they can touch you, particularly at the top just as it ends - you get funnelled right on to the left hand side of the road

SB today,

Both look great, I’m looking forward to Roth next year!


Was going to say the same, the crowd at SF has grown year on year.

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Have you gone this year to enter next years in person?

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I’ve fortunately been allocated a place through my tri club. I don’t know have they’ve swindled it but they get given 12 individual spots and a couple of relays from the race org each year.


I think general entries open in a week (also don’t get the time difference mixed up if you are entering). I had a word doc open on my pc with my name, mobile, address and email address on it and cut and paste into the online form (after lots of refreshing). It sells out in something like 5 mins, but you don’t have to commit and pay until about a week after.

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12 for me, my first one. Think I did about 10:19 :man_shrugging:t2: made a mess of the bike but the regulars said it was one of the slowest bike days they’d done :weary:


Looks like a DNF for spoons?


Want to try and enter for next year, but Q of fitting around holiday at start of May, and then working 8 night shifts (not all in a row) in the rest of May. So something later July/August would be a better fit, and think the Roth dream will wait for another year.

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Oh dear, presumably mechanical is most likely on bike so hopefully not a crash or something serious

Probably, 85k in 2:44 isn’t Matt pace on a route like that. So looks like he’s bailed after one lap.

That’s what’s on Strava anyway, not got the tracker on, Adam is watching that


Yeah his last bike split is 84km

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It says DNF … :sob:

Have I missed something from @jeffb on Hanging Stone? Thought you were there today

That was my experience in 2017/18. Lower down the crowd are held back but after the barriers they were every bit as close these pics. Just wondered how it compared.

Yes, did the short route, mixed bag. Ran the first 1K with the denim clad man although he was pacing himself for the full route, and I think had turned up about 10 minutes before the start :joy:

Was going alright, into Kildale about halfway alongside a young lad in joint third, but it was a fairly thin field. He stayed for a few seconds more and said he was tired as he’d been involved in the election counting. I pushed on and was gapping him so knew I was comfortably in third, and at some points could see second about 2 minutes ahead.

I’d originally planned to head back a bit at Hanging Stone and go down a popular descent for mountain bikers ending up on the main track from Rosey to Hutton but then realised you could actually go straight down from there, which was the last trig point, finish was the rugby club.

A few hundred metres down I reached a fire track which was the one I thought I needed to be on, I’ve never been on that bit, was loosely heading for the finish but was sure I wasn’t on the quickest route and then caught second as he wasn’t sure either.

Anyway, we eventually got onto the main track with about 1K to go having done about 2K more than we should have done, and I could see the lad who had been fourth about 2 minutes ahead and knew weren’t catching him, fifth was about 2 minutes behind.

The lad I was with was a bit younger, put in a bit of a kick to get 50 metres on me and I wasn’t getting that back. Given his nav problems I could have had second while search and rescue probably looked for him :joy:

Overall fairly pleased, possibly would have got under 2 hours otherwise but still about 10 minutes off first.


Congrats, weather held on a nice course.
That was my hope arriving back mid-May that I could get fit enough to complete that half course, shame I didn’t get to come down and meet. If you fancy it next year or similar events let me know. Still half hoping to get healthy in time for Roseberry hardmoors.

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