A place for random, light hearted nonsense

its perhaps a little heavy to be quantified as ‘light hearted’ but:

Does anyone understand this article? I just don’t understand how it came to be? I thought to even apply for a phd funding you had to detail what you wanted to research and why? How does that even get funded?

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Not always funding required for a PhD, so he could’ve self funded it I guess? But yeah, why a professor decided to act as the support/mentor for it I have no idea! :joy:

Yeah I haven’t done a PHD, or a masters, or a undergraduate for that, but anyway I thought you had a supervisor who agreed your research, and have to do ethics up front.

My wife had do a paper for her counselling masters and the ethics part was quite involved

this isn’t his PhD thesis but about a paper he wrote and was published. The Guardian article says:

“The recent publication in Qualitative Research of the work of a student, now registered for a PhD“

It doesn’t state what his PhD thesis is investigating

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anyway moving on

puerile? yes. funny?? fucking yes!


That’s made me go and look for my profanisaurus and I can’t find it. I think I lent it someone at work and never got it back.

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Just opened mine for the first time in a long time…


This made me giggle, having read some posts by peeps on here who are audity types.



I went to watch a local cricket team game earlier as I am wanting to join and play again. Been watching loads of cricket on TV recently .

Anyway distracted by a message on my phone and missed a wicket. It was a good 10 seconds of waiting before I realised you dont get action replays in real life.

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Dropped his trolleys…

In the canal?

Grief… Very specific lol - is this not a police matter now :hushed: :laughing:

Wonder the sort of reaction artist Vito Acconci would get now for this work?…


Sorry, how low? @GRamsay



Suspect that airport doesn’t have any PAPI lights. Pilot knew he was too low too late as you see the plane wobble as it goes over the road as he tries to correct but he had no airspeed.

Probably doesn’t help there is a bunch of morons standing at the threshold. He could have gone TOGA and gone around but he would have blasted that lot into the sea.

Sure the pilot would say its a prefect landing but looks very close to an accident.

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Standard for that airport to have a low trajectory and people go there for the thrill but yes that was way too low and with people there, can’t just power out of it. Crazy people.

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we’ve flown into Skiathos a couple of times - it’s a bonkers runway with sea at either end. There is no wiggle room if the plane under- or over-shoots - it’s in the water.

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Talk about a storm in a teacup. His comments were taken out of context and everyone’s offended. Again

Close :rofl: