Brilliant bigger guys and gals >90kg

I’m sufficiently scared downhill that my FATHER has a faster best DH speed than I do. He was 60 at the time.

The last tri I did - London tri - I was running toward 40-45 downhill through the tunnels, but there was no way in the world I was doing it anything other than on the hooks, and with hands white knuckled and ready to go on the brakes.

I detect that I need to ride outside more.


I guess it’s all about 2 things - experience and madness. I was mainly a MTBer before I got into tri and road riding and going downhill fast on a MTB teaches you a few things - how to handle the bike, how to handle the bike over rough surfaces, and how to ignore your brain. going downhill quick on a road bike was easy after that but I have to say that doing 60+ can be a bit scary especially when you’re wearing very little! my weight (over 100kg) also helps the speed.

when I hit that top speed at IMCH it was on the 3rd lap (old course) down from Forch - the road is straight, smooth and steep - so I just went for it knowing it would be quick. I was also down on the tribars! I remember telling myself “don’t fucking crash!”. they have since stopped people going down that hill on tribars due to too many coming off at high speed.


Yup, Ditto.

Oddly I ride motorbikes so should be more resilient.

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I set my PB at just over 50mph/80kph recently and have now officially retired from trying to go any faster as my OCD would only let me recognise 60mph/100kph as the next significant benchmark and I can’t see myself going for that anytime soon.
I’ve never ridden outside the UK and all of the descents near me have too many risk factors, junctions, bends, bad surfaces etc. The thing I fear the most though, is a mechanical failure, specifically the forks/steerer letting go, especially when you get those compressions that load everything up as the gradient changes.
I also ride a motorbike and don’t have the same level of fear on that, I think the size, strength, brakes etc take away the mechanical element and just leave the road to deal with.

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I have had a couple of offs on the motorbike that involved sliding down the road for a reasonable distance, one of which I ended up with extensive second degree burns due to friction heat that passed through my leathers.

The idea of coming off at speed in Lycra keeps my cycling speed down.

That and the extra chub.

Same. Roads round my way you have to be very careful on descents. Its not worth the risk. In Lanza its different, much less traffic and empty roads so even if someone does pull out you can generally swerve on to the other side of the road. But the problem there was sudden cross wind.


Are there any larger lads with spare wetsuits they would sell?

I’ve got a mate who is starting out with a couple of triathlons this year who is:
44" chest
38" waist

Who is after a wetsuit.

Any old ones knocking about or cheap recommendations?

Don’t know if this would interest him?

I have a huub archimedes, think it’s series 1, in an L.

Used about 3x at local lake, otherwise never. Got a tear in seam on one use so sent it for professional repair and never used it since.

It’s 3:5 with the weird zip mechanism that I never liked.
Sizing is for up to 6’4” 220lb. I am guessing I pushed my luck on the latter haha.

It’s just been sat in a cupboard last 2-3 years and I have literally no need for it. Can send you photos if you want.

Or look on eBay at huub wetsuits where someone’s selling a huub “skeleton” for £49.00. Same model…they’ve probably just forgotten what it’s called (I looked all over and couldn’t find a name on it either but fairly confident what it is).

Let me know.

what’s his swimming like? if he’s an OK swimmer that doesn’t need much buoyancy have a look at the ones on the Alpkit website - Men's Outdoor Swimming Wetsuits | Embrace The Art of Wild Swimming – Alpkit

I didn’t know they did wetsuits until yesterday and the prices for new are pretty amazing compared to the major brands

also Decathlon sell a tri wetsuit for £99 - TRIATHLON SD MEN'S NEOPRENE SUIT APTONIA - Decathlon

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