Car Thread - anything to do with automobiles here

I’ve been doing that to save fuel :smile:

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Yeah, but Poet will be along in a minute to tell you that the aerodynamic penalty of having the windows open will use more fuel :man_shrugging:


Not if I’m coasting too :rofl:

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Ha ha ha - I did that last night in the banger to swimming :joy:

shot down to 34mpg :dizzy_face:

Can’t wait for the new motor to arrive now :heart_eyes:
Although it’ll be cold and no need for air-con by the time it’s here :sob:

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You’ve ordered one?

How are you getting on with your new car mate?


Mostly pros, one (major-ish) con.

Love the car. Lovely to drive, good size, kids love it, like the look of it, love all the tech etc.

But the fuel consumption isn’t as good as I’d hoped. Even when I really nurse it, it seems a bit random as to whether I get ok mpg or really good. My brother, who’s worked in the industry for a long time reckons the ICE element will take a good few thousand miles to properly break in and will keep getting better.

Just about to hit my first thousand mile mark.

But overall, I really love it. And it’s making me definitely want a full EV next time.


Yeah sorry, meant you. Is it a hybrid then? I don’t think I’d realised that. I reckon our single car option will be a Kia Niro hybrid as a gateway to full EV.

Do you get the really loud reversing sound that some Kia and Hyundai owners are complaining about?

Official MPG figures are the stuff of fiction aren’t they? (VW’s must be very disappointing!)

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Haha, yeah. I don’t think it’s that bad. It’s a Bing or a bong noise. But Mrs GB says that it really does cut through the silence when I reverse park on the street at night time :joy:. But the car is pretty silent when reversing, so it serves a purpose.

Yes it’s a mild hybrid. So it’s on electric at low speeds when you first set off, or when you’ve kind of got up to speed, you’re on the flat, you can back off the throttle, let it switch to EV and then be really light on the pedal to use the battery to just keep that momentum. If you try to accelerate or go up a hill the ice will kick in.

@jorgan yeah i know what you mean, but I’ve always been able to get my cars really close to that figure when I really try. Tonnes of coasting, all the usual tricks.


What’s the “ICE” element? The MHEV battery bit?
Here, seems to be less than 60% real mpg :sob:
(2021-onwards models don’t appear to be online yet)

@FatPom - No loud reversing sound from our old Tucson.

@Jorgan - RE: MPG. I had 49.7mpg over 39k miles.
Was quoted at 57.6mpg.
When on the motorway it could easily be over 60mpg.
It was the windy, narrow, hilly drive to Derby which really hit it.

Honest John Real MPG has it at ~38mpg, which is ridiculous. I didn’t even get that driving 6 miles to John Lewis. Do people accelerate hard, brake hard and not just smoothly come to a stop and start slowly?

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internal combustion engine…

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As Jim said, the normal engine bit.

Your old Tucson wouldn’t have had the reversing thing, it’s just in electric cars. Think of a friendlier version of a lorry with reversing beeps.


Ah, gotcha :+1:t3:
Yeah, that’s for pedestrian safety isn’t it?
As they’re silent when reversing :joy:

I’d never heard of the internal combustion engine being called ICE :exploding_head:
I always relate some BANGING SUBWOOFERS and ridiculous sound and lighting system as ICE (in-car electronics)

Speaking of that kind of ICE… and to answer @gingerbongo - we went for the full interior disco package :man_dancing:t3::dancer:t2::mirror_ball: 64 colours to cycle through :joy::joy::joy:


I may know someone like that … :sweat_smile::roll_eyes:


Shame they’re slient going forward, might stop people walking out in front of them, or them scaring the living crap out of cyclists when they approach from behind…

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I almost walked in front of one in a Lidl car park a few years back. If people drive them too fast in places like car parks; you don’t even see them in your peripheral vision. I fear a few kids are going to get wiped out if they don’t introduce some kind of noise to make them more detectable.


Eh? The tyres make a massive noise when approaching from the rear (car going forwards)
Although with the Taycan 4S, they have a stupid acoustic package you can hear a mile off.
I think the Audi Q4, eTron GT etc also have them.

“Mate. You’ve got an electric car. You do realise that sound is artificial?” :joy:

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Have to disagree there, electric city car doing 30-40mph is pretty quiet

Lots of the people I see driving around London must have really horrendous fuel consumption - all accelerating hard and then braking hard when they get to the next lights or stationary traffic. Absolutely bonkers when you can see the traffic ahead, but people who buy sporty cars seem to want to make use of the acceleration at every opportunity.

I always find that the consumption is worse when the engine is cold, so short winter drives are really terrible.