Car Thread - anything to do with automobiles here

You can still hear them, though. And see them.
Highway Code innit?

Stop. Look. Listen. Think.


Obliviously walk out into a highway glued to your phone :man_shrugging:t4:

Meant more on the approaching from behind on the bike.

If you’re walking out in front of one then yes, your guide dog needs replacing or you need to pay attention.


You’re right, but I don’t think you’ll get a job in safety management any time, with that approach :joy:

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Is that the Merc? What did you buy? I must’ve missed it.

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Aye. Shooting Brake :grimacing:
Canne wait :heart_eyes:


Flashy dashy! :heart_eyes:

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I was going to say the same, my last car (Octavia VRS) was my first ever new & company car, the difference in mpg after 2-3k miles was significant & was the expected norm from the other company car drivers.


I think most people on here are probably old enough to remember when “running in” was a thing, so when your dad got his shiny new company car you had to chug along on the motorway at 50mph for the first 1000 miles and then it had to go in for a first service to have everything tightened up :rofl:


Was following a Merc convertible today, the licence plate was “SLxx FUN”, on the small rear window it had a (performing?) name written across the top with pictures of hand cuffs to the left, a whip underneath and a pair of high heels on the right. I’d have thought that kind of thing might cause an accident!


Yep, my Legacy was below 4000rpm for the first 1000 miles, then I had to take it to Subaru for a mini service/oil change iirc.

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I read most of that with In Car Entertainment as the acronym. It’s a much more interesting read. :joy:


I was terrible for that when I had the S6. Milton Keynes mains roads are 1km of road a roundabout, 1km of road rinse repeat. Put it in sport, boot it out of the roundabout then hard on the dinner plate front brakes. Used to go through a set of disks a year at the front, 500 a pop

Cold air is more dense, MAF senses that, more fuel goes in


ICE used to be In Car Entertainment when I worked for Ford 30 years ago, but back then the stereo was the limit to the electronics in the passenger compartment :roll_eyes:

No screens or satnav or fancy lighting. Radios that you could remove so that some scrote didn’t smash your window to steal were the height of sophistication :rofl:


In the EV world people get ‘ICED’ , which means a non EV has parked in a charging spot.


Probably RR or AMG drivers?


Both now have delicious PHEV models for the BIK :+1:t3:


That loophole has to be closed. There are company drivers bombing around in PHEVs that have never charged the bloody things, never intend to, destroying the planet and taxpayer is funding it!


Had one of these retro-fitted to very expensive (if I’d bought it through the proper channels) radio/cassette, the whole thing pulled out not just the facia.

Carried it to Villa Park as it definitely wouldn’t survive 90 minutes on the streets round there. Gate steward wouldn’t let me in as he thought use it as a missile to throw on the pitch. Took a bit of persuading - idiot.


Plus they are all c**** :rofl:


It’s a total LOL when I see a fully integrated hifi with “security protected” written on it :joy: I guess they were still getting used to it in 2007 when they built my car.

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