Challenge Roth 2025

Did anyone manage to get in?

Also I have some questions from people that have done the event before re: logistics etc…

Fri - im going to be flying into Munich and hiring a car and driving to the hotel in Nuremberg. Will relax that eve and eat and unpack, may get a little loosen run in.

Sat - drive down to Roth and rack the bike and drop bags off. Go to all the briefings and soak up the atmosphere. Anything special for Roth that needs to be done? Is there plenty of parking down there? Can I get a swim in on sat?

Sun - plan to drive down. Should I park at T1 and shuttle to the swim or park at the swim? Will I be able to access the bike and put all of my nutrition/hydration on or will this be done at racking the day before?

What happens after the event? Is it a big party? Aware I’ve got to drive back to Nuremberg after a race and a party :joy::joy::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Mon - plan is to drive back to Munich and get my flight back to Dubai.

Anything I am missing/need to know?

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@adam is in.

This is like TT1.0. Where we had actual informative threads.

@jorgan knows loads about this, too.


Yeah I’m in.

I’ll Eurostar it over the channel and drive. Will camp on site (which is free)

There’s definitely a practise swim beforehand


I (well my wife) drove from UK and we stayed at a hotel in Nuremberg (2016). I registered on the Friday and there is a great pasta party (miles better than what IM did) with all the pro’s on stage. They open some fields up for parking so that was ok although be careful with your hire car as not the flatest. Racking etc. was straighforward on Sat. The expo is massive. Race day parking was ok but there was quite a queue down the country lane to get in the car park so allow a bit of extra time. A shuttle bus would be sensible if on your own otherwise you’ll have to ride to collect your car with all your gear. You can access the bike race morning to add nutritian, pump tyres up etc. There were track pumps to use when I did it.
The changing tents as well as the finishing tent are very ‘European’, everyone just gets all their kit off ! There are showers which you don’t get at many races. It was hot when I did it and you get a changing helper from bike to run who slapped a load of sun cream on.
There is the stadium they build and the pro’s hand out the medals (Laura Siddall gave me mine). The finishers meal was good as well (think it was local farm produce).
Have a great race.


Longer reply tomorrow, but try to get a place in the Dormero in Roth. Have a look now. If you dont get into the Dormero, next best option is Nuremburg

Sold out in 32 seconds, I know some places were sold after the race etc. but it’s still as popular and I’m sure Ironman are a bit envious!

It’s 12 years since I did it, vaguely recall registering and racking on the Saturday and there was plenty of parking. I remember getting there early on Sunday and just parking on the verge with lots of others on the way into Roth but can’t for the life of me remember how I got to the swim start, I don’t remember a shuttle bus but…

It did make things easier after the race though having the car just outside the town, and was a fairly easy drive back to Nuremburg. It’s a shame you are on a quick weekend as Nuremburg was a lovely town.

Again, might have changed but stay alert before the swim as they used to have different staging pens and I ended up going in the one after as I was being a halfwit, but it was my first.

You almost make me fancy doing it again!


Was TM there a few years ago. So I know a bit…

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I stayed in Freystadt; was living in Erding at the time so knew the area, had a car and my wife was there to drive about on race day. Logistics are a bit convoluted with the split transitions. More to follow.


Well, I snoozed and lost :triumph:
No place for me next year.

Might look at the abnormally fast other German race, Hamburg was it? Easy 8:50 there, so I’ve heard :joy::joy::joy:


Roth usually has a few more places in December? Or has that stopped now?

Hamburg would depend on the bike but should be quick for you and maybe not as hot in early June.

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Roth is fun logistically. The split transition and number of closed roads mean that you need to plan carefully.

Ideally stay in Dormero or an Airbnb in Roth to keep life nice and simple, however, be prepared to pay lots of money. The atmospher in Roth is magic, and if you stay in the town, you get the full experience, staying in one of the villages or Nurmberg is just not so fun.

On Saturday, there is a kids race, so lots of streets are closed in the centre, however, there is a big field to park in for the event.

My annoyance on Saturday is the swim practice is 7:30-9am, then there was a practice run with Seb Kienle, but the English Briefing was at 10am, in Roth, 12km away. After finding parking, I missed 10 mins of the brief - since I had raced before wasn’t an issue.

I recomend registering on Friday, registration is open until 7pm
Use Friday to visit the expo (its the biggest tri race expo in the world), spend money on shit you don’t need, that £750 trisuit is definately worth 15s
On Saturday go to swim practice, lots of parking at the Canal
Return to Roth for briefing, leave time to Park and walk to the race site
After race brief, spend more cash on crap and nutrition
Around 12pm go back to swim start with your bike and run bag. There will be huge queues for the carpark, however, if you go early there will be no queue and you will park much closer to transition
I tend to go at 12, then go for an easy bike ride - ride the exit from transition and the first part of the course. The first 3km are downhill and twisty, well worth practicing, its also nice to ride the “rollers” (first 13km) this is a series of rolling hills, good riders can go super fast on this section.
After my bike ride, I check in bike , you MUST leave helmet on the bike overnight. Also you are not allowed to cover bits of the bike in plastic to keep water off in case of rain.
You hand in your run bag at the bike check in, but not your bike bag.
Head back to Roth and enjoy the afternoon spending more money - Saturday afternoon is great if you have accomodation in town.
Sunday. If you have accomodation in town, either get a lift to swim start or get the organised bus. If you have a hotel out of town, drive to Swim start, there is loads of parking, but the queue can be up to an hour. I left my hotel in Nurmberg at 0430 and had no queue.You bring your bike bag with you and your post race bag with you

Do your race and smash it.
After the race your bike, bike bag, run bag and post race bag will all be in Roth… there is no need to go back to the swim start, unless your car is there.

From 1830 there is a bus, with bike trailer, that goes every 30mins from Roth to the Swim start so that you can collect your car.

After I have finished my race, I hang around at the atheletes finish area for a bit. I then go and collect my stuff from T2 and take it back to my hotel (if it is in Roth), have a shower, then go to the old town, and have dinner in a restaurant next to the run course. I eat dinner, drink beer and cheer the runners. After dinner I go back to the race site, have more beer, go to stadium to cheer athletes comming in. At midnight there are fireworks, after this I walk back to hotel. If you stay out of town, you will miss all of this


You considered racing abroad? :astonished: (or sarcasm)


How quickly does accommodation in Roth sell out? Must be fast, like the race. Book now to avoid disappointment I think. Even in the surrounding towns, the hotels are full of participants, as Roth itself simply can’t host everyone.

If you’re going solo, I think they put on buses from Nurnburg too? There’s also a bus at the finish back to T1 iirc. But yeah it’s all a bit of a faff after a 140.6.

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Hopefully manage to catch you when I’m over there Adam


I was part of a relay team in 2010 and did the bike leg. The “showers” for those just doing the bike leg was a hosepipe in T2 with cold water that you just used as best you could!! Even though it was open to view of the public many were still getting their whole kit off - typically Germanic so I just had to join in as well… :grin:

We had a big Pirate group who stayed on a local(ish) campsite and got ferried by those partners who were just spectating to the start and back from the finish.


Come and do Copenhagen with me

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Good idea. He can buy us both a post race beer.

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No. It’s an expensive city that I’ve never wanted to visit.

@Jorgan - rent a camper, drive. Have some fun. It’s airport logistics that put me off abroad. Camper = everything is just there :white_check_mark::heart_eyes:


Barcelona, well Callela, twinned with Scarbados and easy to get to :sunglasses:


No. Looks grim.