Challenge Roth 2025

What, compared to Blackpool :man_shrugging:t2::joy:


It is expensive but i really like it there. The race gets good reviews.


There is a swim in the canal on either Fri or Sat morning; but it was too early for me, I wanted a lie-in! I swam at the Rothsee on the Friday before instead (just opposite where the car park is for race day above the canal). They tried using the Rothsee in 1994, but had to delay the start by several hours die to mist, so went back to the canal.

1 = Car Parking for bike drop-off/race day.
2 = T1
3 = Rothsee car park.

Helen Murray did Roth this year & you might be able to take a few tips from her podcasts…primarily avoid flying with Lufthansa.

Other streaming services are available but I can’t link them with my work computer :roll_eyes:

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You kiss goodbye to your T2 bag when you drop your bike off on Sat pm (assuming you don’t want to drop it in Roth personally). Hoping to be reunited on Sunday afternoon :sweat_smile: T1 Bag is placed on Saturday too; because it’s wave starts, you usually won’t be able to access T1/bag on race morning once the pros are off.

Have you booked accommodation already?

I’ve had to book premier inn by the station in Nuremberg as everything in Roth was already sold out so will be driving down from there each day unfortunately :disappointed:

No pensions/hotels in Hilpolstein, Freystadt or Allersberg? I would suggest on race day, driving to the start using the Allersberg Autobahn exit and driving south towards the canal (rather than through Roth/Eckersmuhlen).

How are you planning to get to/from the race sites from Nurnberg on race day?

Not anymore, you place your T1 bag on Sunday morning. T2 Bag goes on Saturday

Its still wave starts, and one of the few events where the whole wave starts together, so lots of biff


Hey Everyone,

Thank you so much for all the replies, been reading and re-reading them.

No accom in any of the places apart from Allersberg but it is 4 X the price of the nuremberg one :roll_eyes:

I’m going to be driving up from Munich is it easier to access Roth from the south or doesn’t make a difference?

I’ve looked into Campervans but they’re pretty pricey for the duration.

Also - I was planning to land Fri - is one day enough on sat to get everything done, reg/swim/briefing/spend life savings on stash etc…

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Hi, I’m a long time lurker on this site, but have registered because I got back from Roth last week and can answer your questions.

I stayed in a hotel in Nuremberg (much cheaper!) and the logistics of getting from Nuremberg to Roth are pretty straightforward if you are driving. Its a 20 to 25 minute drive, all on motorway/dual carriageway. (A73 - A6 - B2 ). You leave the B2 at the Belmbracher exit, and there is free parking just off the exit. It is then a 5 to 10 minute walk to the triathlon park. If you put Belmbracher Strasse into Google maps it will do the rest.

It is perfectly possible to register, attend the briefing and then drive to the swim start for bike racking on the Saturday (Indeed, I would probably do this myself if I do the race again). However, the official pre race swim is at 0730 -0900 on the Saturday, which means a bit more faff, but by no means impossible.

On race day morning I would recommend parking in the same parking space by the Belmbracher exit and catching the shuttle bus to the swim start, as you will avoid the pre-race traffic jams and have a short walk back to the car after the race.

Roth is just as accessible from the North as the South, in either case you will arrive on the B2 and use the same exit.

Nuremberg is a great place for re-fuelling on the Monday, you will see many people in finisher t-shirts enjoying the local beer. (Tucher is the biggest local brewery and most places serve draft Pilsener, Helles and Rotbeer).

The logistics all make sense when you get there, and most importantly it is an amazing race, the locals offer incredible support and you will enjoy the whole experience. Good luck!


Welcome @Bere-DC. Now you have registered, pop over to the 2024 Race thread and tell us about your Roth experience!


working locally?

Welcome @Bere-DC , great first post. Very helpful.

Thanks, yes will hopefully post something tomorrow


Thank you, this was excellent and makes the logistics seem much easier.

Did you have anyone come with you? I am having a friend come with me to support, any tips on where I should tell him to try and position himself on each of the stages?

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My wife watched swim at side of canal but good if you can get on the bridge over the canal (very popular viewing point and you will see the hot air balloons very well). She also went to Solarer Berg hill for the bike (this is a must for spectators) and then into Roth for the run. The website is very helpful and there is a spectator shuttle bus between the popular spots.

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I’ve done a few hot Ironmans. Lanza, Nice, Austria, Franky etc. For me the main purpose of support is to help you after the finish as you might be in a bad way with heat stroke. I race well in the heat, but had a few bad experiences in the hours post race… basically a race to a cold dark room and sleep. After a pizza of course. They need to know they may have to step up post race.

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“Did you have anyone come with you? I am having a friend come with me to support, any tips on where I should tell him to try and position himself on each of the stages?”

No, I did it on my own.

Most of the population of Roth seem to cycle down to watch the swim start, which would be good to do if your friend can access a bike.

As has been said there are spectator shuttle buses between the hotspots on the bike course, and I imagine that they would be well organised (everything else was!).

The run course involves a number of interlocking loops and all of it is easily accessible on foot. Once your friend gets his bearings he will be able to pop up at various points throughout the course. Or he could just stick to a busy spot and drink beer with the locals! The support throughout the course and after the race is incredible.


FWIW a guy from my compound did it last year & had this to say.

He’s “quite organised” :man_guard:t2:& I would tend to trust his advice on organisational matters :man_guard:t2::man_guard:t2:

Presumably living out your way, he thinks “uphill” is a motorway exit?