Discussing the news

It sounds like what Israel are trying to achieve is to remove the civilians and then bomb through the top civilian layer to the Hamas infrastructure underneath. Which based on how Hamas operates with their weapons stores, tunnels etc. makes sense if you are trying to degrade their military capability.


The pre edit version did not have the “extracts”, i have now made that clear. However, the context and content of both Sloggers’ and my original posts were clear.

Any casual observer may take any post out of context if they choose to…


Absolutely…it is a sickening situation, which could of course have been avoided…

That would mean munitions were being stored on a road from the video I have seen. With vehicles have passed it previously.

ETA: I heard on the radio and TV that the Isreali government were going to investigate what happened.

that depends on what was moving on that road…

define ‘safe route’?

They are held to a much higher standard than any other nation on this planet…

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The Isreali dropped leaflets telling civilians to move South and by which routes so you don’t need me to definde the safe routes, the Isrealis did that.

On the video you can just see vehicles, a mix of vehicles, cars, vans, flatbed artic’s with loads of families sat on them.

Hadn’t seen that - thanks

Edit to add: although to mix in with civilians is the MO of hamas and others and then to complain after…

Hamas obviously don’t want them to leave as they want them killed by Isrealis so they can blame Isreal. I wouldn’t put it past them to do have blown these people up.


Absolutely agree they should.

If they’ve told civilians to use those routes they should 100% keep operations/attacks aware from those areas. Miscommunication isn’t an excuse and deliberate is a war crime.


I don’t want to pursue this but for the record again, Ejc makes an untrue statement in his second edit.

No I did not.

Previously I pointed out that was what was being reported by the bbc on day 1, and nowhere in my post quoting the Independent, have I stated that.

The closest to this that I wrote was “ It seems that eradication is still the plan by some……” followed by supporting evidence from the Independent.

Ejc, please play fair. Stop inventing stuff and attributing it to me.

Hopefully ejc you will be sufficiently responsible to edit your words for a third time to reflect reality.

Perhaps we can then move forward.

Could an admin move all this Israel stuff to a new thread? It’s going to be ‘news’ for some time & it’s clogging this one.


Haven’t heard much about Ukraine this week except that they are getting low in able bodied men and some munitions. Hopefully they won’t be completely forgotten about.

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inferred rather than stated…based on the original post…

Think that’s fair as we ended up with separate Covid and Ukraine threads.


The simplest thing would be a new thread; anyone can do that.


Move discussion here


Seen a senior Tory being found to have bullied a member of his staff. He even hit the guy :open_mouth:

Amazing how deluded some of these feckers get.

Probably end up with another by-election.


That’s the least it should be…


Who’s that?