Europe's on fire - coping with heat

Ironman Austria is a good run course if you don’t like the heat, loads of shade. My last time out there I ran 3:34 without walking a step and I think it was high 20s that day. There is one stretch though by the railway where there’s a wall that reflects the heat like a blast furnace from the bowels of hell :wink::upside_down_face:

Gonna be 32 where I live on Saturday - it’s prime OWS territory given I don’t currently fit my wetsuit :joy:

I remember him, but he would have trained and raced for extended periods of time in the heat and would be much more adapted to it. The weather in south west London over the last few weeks has been variable to say the least, so I don’t think I will get the same adaptation. But, it is starting to get up to 22 degrees. :joy:

Well I’ve got a cooling visor, a cooling neck thingy and some wristbands

In 2015 I was putting ice down the front & back of my shorts, under wristbands, my hat, I was sucking on ice cubes ffs :upside_down_face:

Lunchtime Z2 run in the paint blistering heat. 15km @4:54/km AvHR 123. Barely survived out there @Poet :wink:

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How are the eyes? Melted, I assume?

I’ve just mowed the lawn and cut the hedges back. It was warm, but not eye meltingly so :wink:

Who said that?!

Euphemism? :joy:


I wonder what he did with his tools.

36 degrees on ride home: went for a fast one, it was fine when moving, nasty when stopped at lights.

Hit my highest HR since last summer - Noticed that my HR is higher when it is hot

Imagine racing an Ironman where best case scenario is 38 degrees & 50kph gusts…worst case 43 degrees :astonished:

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IIRC I heard Frodeno talking about racing in Kona and he said he knocks back his bike effort 10% because of the heat & humidity


There’d be no scotch egg left uneaten in ma fridge on ma death bed, sonny :wink::sob:

Mercury hits mid 20s, @Poet be like…


Last May I was in Cyprus in a heatwave … apparently.
There for three weeks and ran two 5k flat out efforts …

First was in really nice air conditioned gym
Treadmill @ 1% 10 min warm up and bang… 18:36… IIRC?
Hr 167 av

A week later I ran the same distance outside at three in the afternoon…

An hr 169 … 23:02.

When running in direct sunlight 30 degrees ish st a guess, the blood rushes to the surface to cool the skin, hence our organs function without the “ normal” amount of blood.

A nurse tells me… it’s ptobably a lot more complicated than that, but ish…

My heart goes out to all the guys and girls racing in crazy heat this weekend…

Be careful and forget your expectations .

IMJ will be going into meltdown any minute, Nice has been shortened.

We have been instructed to shorten IRONMAN France Nice to a 3,8km swim, a 152km bike and a three-loop 30km run. The reason for this is to reduce the exposure to the aforementioned conditions and also to decrease our potential impact on emergency services which will be required by the citizens and visitors to the greater Nice area.


I was actually told to have a diarolyte the day(s) before a big race to help get your electrolytes ready for any race let alone the heat.

And a bit of salt in your energy bottle.


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Oh Lordy
Makes last years Bolton look like Triathlon x