Gravel Riding Chit Chat

Shimano. A right bloody mess I made :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

@joex is correct.

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Syringe at the caliper, funnel thing at the shifter, bleed by squeezing fluid up from the caliper and you should see bubbles coming out into the funnel

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Cheers. I did that. And the quarter turn burping. And tilting the bars. Following the guy with the tash on Park Tools.

I’ve wrapped an elastic band to the lever and bars, a hack :rofl: let’s see what the morning brings.

EDIT: WOAH :heart_eyes::exploding_head::heart_eyes: what a hack!!! I left the brake lever engaged all night, using a band to keep it taught, and it’s tighter than a (insert similie here) :badger::peach:

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HIYA :ocean::wave:

Now I’ve fixed the boiler and answered some teams messages and walked the dogs, its bike time :biking_woman:t3:

The rear brake was way easier. And just worked :crazy_face::man_facepalming:t4:
Gears are perfect. New cable in. Just guessed the right taughtness on the cable and it’s actually perfect :rofl:

Right. I can “do” Shimano road/gravel hydraulic brakes and internal routing now :white_check_mark::+1:t3:
That’s everything I need to do.

All tools now bought.
Pleased with myself :star_struck::older_man:t3:


The Gralloch is taking place again today & they seem to be blessed once again with a typically beautiful, sunny Scottish day.

As well as our @Sowler on the start list - is he taking part- I can see Cameron Mason, Ali B, Tim Don, Nathan Haas, Freddy Ovett, Nico Roche & Alex Dowsett in the male race…not sure about the women’s race yet.


@Sowler is in Sri Lanka. But old school TT1.0 fella and all round top guy CarlJ is taking part.


Despite my uploaded ride today being 22,000km it wasn’t quite that long. We rode for just under 5 hours but were out for seven. I don’t mind a cafe stop when I am on a social ride but at one point we were stood by a gate for 10 mins for no reason whatsoever, does my head in. I would have carried on but didn’t know the route.


Espressos should be the rule. A banana while they make it.:biking_man:t2::dash:

Cappucinos and bacon sandwiches = One hour stiffening the legs, switching body into recovery mode. :exploding_head:


Oh mate, I am with you on that. This was a cappuccino, bowls of chips and a cake (for them not me). But they café hit I was expecting, there were lots of 5 mins here, 10 mins there just stood about.

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Seven hours on the Lanza bike course is acceptable…


My friends did the Gralloch and despite the tyres shredding they have encouraged me to look at it next year. Looking at the Giant Revolt advanced 1 as a bike to do such things? Any views on this or any bike in the 2-2.5k mark?

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Got to say I’ve not looked closely at gravel bikes but my Ti is easily capable of it and other things, might not be front of the pack or anything but neither am I! I’d also say it has other uses and probably go resale value.

I’ve got those modern bars on mine, thought I’d hate them when I saw them but they’re actually brilliant.

I’ve heard good reports of Cervelo but guess you’d pay the usual premium.

Mine is actually sold as a gravel\adventure bike now, you can get the F&F for £2.2k and I’m sure you’ll have plenty of parts to build up?

Escape - ReadyToRide – Enigma Bicycle Works (

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There’s also some Felt gravel bikes in the Merlin sale if you just want something to try.

Felt Bikes | Felt Mountain Bikes | Merlin Cycles

I’ve got quite an old OnOne/Planet X Pickenflick in Ti. Can’t go wrong with a Ti frame. Think it has been superseded by the Tempest model now. Rubble also do Ti adventure bikes, and Sonder, at the same price point. Add in some 45mm tyres at 30psi and some awesome bags from Tailfin and you’re all set :grin:

Money no object I’d get a Time ADHX frameset and build it up. ADHX FRAMESET | Dyneema | Carbon Gravel Bike Frame – TIME - GLOBAL

But I know nowt about the frame you’ve mentioned… helpful :rofl:


Speaking of Scottish gravel sportives… there’s a gravel ride as part of the Stonehaven beer festival weekend. Sat 15th June. Like the Gralloch minus all the UCI racing wannabe pseudo-pros and influencer bros :rofl:

Plus some road sportives of varying lengths. Stonehaven is a nice Victorian coastal town and right on the NE coast rail line.

I’m thinking of cycling over for the gravel sportive, which is only 40 miles, having a few beers after, then cycling back (or blagging a lift if I’m wobbly!). Any TT’ers going?


I’m doing the Frontier “300” the week before :+1:t3:
If it’s not raining …

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Ah “Stoney” as an old Aberdonian friend called it. Never been; but I have been to that really rough pub near Aberdeen docks, with a shocking hangover waiting for the train back to Glasgow. I’m surprised I wasn’t chibbed when I asked for a pint of OJ/lemonade. All the seats were ripped, a right dive. It was The Criterion iirc. The night before we ended up in a nightclub in an old church. I was late for my meeting the Next morning :sweat_smile:


Right, the Scott arrived today and it is lovely. One thing I failed to note and it was in the spec is that is has praxis chainset rather than the GRX double.
I had already mentally pencilled in new wheels and potentially a GRX stages power meter but as it has praxis and a cursory glance no PMs are compatible (P2Max is but I’m not spending that type of money) then I’m pondering about a pedal based system.
Unlike @Whisk I am a slave to numbers.

Any suggestions?


Assioma duos have been perfect for me so far.

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Assioma’s have been alright for me as well, if only a number on Strava :joy: if I was buying now I’d get Shimano for compatibility with my shoes.