
I can’t offer any advice about the sailing centre. I use the large public carpark.

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I’m sure I’ll see a parking place at 8am tomorrow morning…yup!
Weather looks good tomorrow, so I’m heading Oop North

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Transition is the large field next to the pub by the lake, it’s not a posh transition :joy:

On the bike, it’s mostly flat by the river until Aira Force, there’s then a long climb up to Matterdale and the A66, it’s more a grind but there’s a little descent. It’s a draggy little bugger with a few sharp inclines.

A66 is fast downhill and a little climb, and when you turn off it’s fairly flat all the way to Ambleside, except Dunmail Raise near Grasmere, but there’s a very fast straight descent after that.

From Grasmere to Ambleside it’s a bit twisty but fairly quick, it depends on tourist traffic on the day, so an early start will help. Then, boom it’s up the struggle, it gets steep pretty much the minute you turn off the mini-RAB so be prepared to get on the little ring soon.

The descent is twisty, but you can take a racing line depending on how\what is coming back up. But as mentioned, there are drystone walls and there’s usually at least one person ends up in them each year. Given you’ll only lose a minute by being steady I don’t take the risk. After a while it does straighten out. Then it’s largely back on the TT bars until T2.

You’ll see most of this tomorrow if you go.


I’ve checked out all of the junctions on StreetView - got the day off now, just about to sort out my kit and bottles…so deffo going.

If it’s driving rain, then I’ll drive the course, and take a hike around the run course instead.

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You’ll get an hours free parking if you get there for 8am. The car park will be open, but they only charge from 9am.

Have fun, looks like great conditions.


You could walk the run in just over 2 hours if you decide to do both.

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So you can run it in 100 minutes, but walk it in 120 minutes???

I am sure I am going to see for myself tomorrow…

The very cheek of it :open_mouth:

I took 2hrs last week & my HR was maxxed out several times :joy:

Lol, ok, jogging back down :joy:

Updated info on website.
Two lap, 750m per lap swim.

Rolling start swim, starts at 0830, with people going off at 5s intervals

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Both times I’ve descended Kirkstone I’ve taken it v easy.

2014 - damp roads 42kph avg
2016 - dry, fantastic weather - long wait at the top after a air ambulance scraped someone off the wall - 37.4 kph avg

I descend like a pussy cat though

Kirkstone downhill segment - TriTalk club


I must have been brave in 2014, although I thought that was a dry sunny year? But 10kph difference to TC. I don’t think it’s a really long segment though, so in reality you aren’t losing stacks of time.

Edit: 2nd/3rd are in May and could have been the Fred Whitton.


Yeah I think that segment is only about 2.5km.

Big balls over 60kph though I’d say!

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Both my efforts are Fred Whitton

Just arrived having driven up and down Kirkstone Pass…I could not even drive down it at 64kmh :scream::rofl:

Clouds just above the Struggle top.
Roads are wet and greasy.
Windermere was drizzling and foggy, but it’s nicer here.
Hope the cloud burns off


You can ride down it quicker than you can drive down it!

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BUT NOT ME, my descending is pony

Until you faceplant into the back of a range rover anyway.

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The Struggle???
Are you effing kidding me?
Where’s the 20%???

Piece of pie.
Big ring and on the bars in places :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::wink:

2:06 with a bit of wind, getting stuck behind cars on Kirkstone descent, flappy MAAP jersey and alloy training wheels.
The course is a time triallists wet dream.

Sub2 on race day.
If it’s dry


Lol, that flat bit near the end :joy:

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