IM Copenhagen 2020/21/22/23

Mostly agree with that Matt, except for group 2 I suspect there’s a similar group that probably think they’ve got little chance of going to Kona unless they get one of those rare days when it rolls to 20th.

But others in a similar grouping looking for the obvious time based goals, sub 10, sub 11. Some people put equal commitment into those without really dreaming of Kona, e.g. doing it at Roth.

And in group 3, there are those who just do them regularly but some might do 2 or 3 a year. Can’t remember where I was racing and they said someone had done something stupid like a 160+ IM’s! (and it wasn’t TC)



There’s a lot of truth in that I suspect.
I covet a KQ for a few years time when I reach an AG where a lot of people have gone off and taken up knitting or gardening instead (prob is that most of them are probably following the same plan), but in the meantime, my goals are very much about time… this year is a sub 11 goal, with a sub 10:30 stretch.

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I’m trying not to think in terms of a time goal. I did that last year and I got burned. I’ve got one goal for Copenhagen and that’s to be running in the last 10kms of the run. If I keep focussed on that, I should produce my best IM on the day and pace everything else accordingly.


I’m with Wheezy on this one - my focus is enough physical/mental/nutritional resilience to run the whole marathon. I don’t mind slowing the overall pace if it means I keep running. That way I’ll be sure to PB, as it’s not something I’ve yet achieved.


Oh yeah, there’s a few of us from my tri club going, so not to be last would be good, but not realistic. One of our guys won the Brutal last year.

This was definitely me. Why else would anyone do Lanzarote as their first IM :man_shrugging:

And +1 for no time goals, recently I’ve been a little bit too focused on times and I think it can cause some negative feelings if I slightly miss a time. Obviously have one in the back of my mind but primary goal is just to feel strong running off the bike.


Like that mentality. It’s really easy to get caught up on time. Just gotta take what the day gives you and remain strong throughout

Hello everyone, long time lurker but this is my first post on TriTalk. I’m in for Copenhagen and really hoping for sub 11. Someone mentioned a lack of training so far. Well due to injury I have just been swimming so my weekly training has been about an hour and a half and this was making me very nervous. For me the solution was to write out a plan all the way out to August. When I then saw it laid out in front of me I then realised that it was still achievable that worry has mostly gone.


@Sparky. Welcome!

hiya Sparky… sounds like we’ll be duking it out for that sub 11 at Copenhagen… so if some skinny old bloke in pirate gear runs past you looking smug, run quicker! :joy:

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@magnacarter challenge accepted :slight_smile: So when you say old what category are you in ? Me, I will be two weeks off 58 come Copenhagen. Also whats with the Pirate Gear?

i’ll be in 50 to 54, as will be a mere (nearly) 53, so we’ll be racing for honour, not places!

Pirate gear is because of the Pirate Ship of Fools, an online tri group, that formed out of Runners World forums just after the turn of the millenium, and one time arch nemesis of TriTalkers, although, I feel we’ve now largely united against a common IMJ enemy! :joy:

(there’s a fair few ‘pirates’ on here nowadays, although I won’t ‘out’ them)


Yep, think @chickenboy has got that one sewn up. Looks like there might be a couple of us in the 45-49 category.

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haha, i like your optimism @wheezy. Nothing is ever a given


Checking in for 45-49 duty, Sir!


55-59 here, an 11 in my finish time will be provided by minutes or seconds.


So, what are we thinking? On or off?

5 months off yet. I’m not optimistic, but a long way to go still!

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Be positive, it will be on. I need something good to look forward to over the next few months.


Yep, gotta keep the faith and keep on training. Looks like our University will be closing down this week so suddenly I have no where to swim. There are some open water places but not keen on 7C even with a wet suit!!! Yikes

Keep going everyone; you are all posting some great training :slight_smile: