Injury List- do any parts of you still work?

FFS, running back from dropping the car off for service and I went over againšŸ¤¬ Iwas looking ahead at a van that was on the pavement and tripped on the lip of a drain cover.


15% gradient is pretty steep! Unless itā€™s a typo?

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itā€™s as steep at the mill goes, I figured that way thereā€™d still be some cardio without too much pounding or stride extension :man_shrugging:t2:

that was the theory anyway but it doesnā€™t seem to be working. Might stick on the Nordic for now

PS I believe we are acquainted with a certain hill of a similar gradient in places :face_vomiting::man_biking:t2:

FP what HAVE you done to yourself, hope all in one piece


Iā€™m sure I read some research saying that the treadmill at gradient like that and slow pace simulated sprinting or other high intensity training for the cardio system.

But without the impact or load on the body so less injury risk, but Iā€™m guessing itā€™s quite demanding on areas like your glutes, calfā€™s and hamstrings due to the gradient?

I suppose if you find it only hurts for 12 hours soon then you are progressing :man_shrugging:t2:

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Cheers mate. I think the running gods are telling me something!

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Trying to remain upbeat about steady progress of hip injury. The good news is that can now swim or ride as much as I want to. But Iā€™m surprised how long it is taking to get back to running.

Last night tried first run-ette in 7 weeks: 1km on the treadmill at 11kmh at 1% incline. It was uncomfortable, both lift off and footstrike, but I kept limping on Lionel style. Feel like its going to take another few weeks at least before can do any proper running :slightly_frowning_face:

On the plus side, running shoes gonna last a few months longer than they would have :man_shrugging:


any experience out there of Deputruyenā€™s disease of the hand? I think Iā€™m developing it in my right hand as itā€™s becoming difficult to lay my ring finger flat with the rest of the hand, and itā€™s uncomfy when clenching into a fist.


He was quite the guy, Guillaume Dupuytren. Treated Napoleonā€™s haemorrhoids and was made a baron. First person to think of draining a brain abscess by trephination - can you imagine having no MRI scanner, just diagnosing the abscess and itā€™s site based on the symptoms and signs, and then having enough cock-sure confidence in your diagnostic skills to drill into someoneā€™s skull without anaesthetic. And to persuade them to let you.

Re the contracture - often comes on over years- I think most hand surgeons recommend waiting until itā€™s a bit of a nuisance before having surgery. Getting caught on door handles etc. Some inject collagenase rather than cut, but not sure if thatā€™s always an NHS option- at least, it wasnā€™t in Dorset when I left.


Thanks for the input. This has only come on in the last week or so but Iā€™ve noticed a thickening of the fascia in the palms of both hands for a while but only the right hand is being affected by the discomfort. Iā€™ve had carpal tunnel syndrome before (and tendon release) so I knew it wasnā€™t that but Dupuyenā€™s is closest to what Iā€™m experiencing.

Maybe it will resolve of itā€™s own accord - maybe not - just see how it goes. If it gets to a nuisance stage Iā€™ll then seek help.

Sounds like Depuytren was an interesting doctor!

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Sounds like every doctor Iā€™ve ever talked toā€¦


thanks @Bob useful to know.

Think I may have found a use for the Couch to 5K appā€¦ return to running from injury

This evening Mrs FT suggested we go try a really short run using a week 1 session. I think it was 5 minutes walk, 8 x (60 seconds run, 90 seconds walk), 5 minutes walk. With Steve Cram being all motivational.

Found it much nicer than the treadmill & we managed to cover 2.7km in 30 minutes, which isnā€™t much but at least itā€™s a start.

The running wasnā€™t completely comfortable but it was OK, felt like it was doing good not damage & felt ok after.

So nice to be back running even just for 60 seconds at a time.

Mrs liked it too because she struggles with running in the heat, she goes kind of purple. Think it was still 37 or 38 degrees & this gave her chance to recover heat-wise a bit between efforts.


Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Forgot to set my alarm so had a limited warmup for the parkrun today, was just coming up to 3K when I felt the left adductor/hamstring twinge a bit, gave it a few more metres in case it was just an old man thing then decided walking it home was better.

Feels a bit more like the adductor than the hamstring but I think Wednesday probably left it tight as my lower back had been sore but improving.

A week before my first triathlon :roll_eyes: Iā€™ll avoid running this week and might just do the swim and bike next weekend as itā€™s more important to do the races in Holland and France.

Hopefully I can get over it soon. The perils of old age :confused:


I had a very crippling migraine on Friday night and my sprays did not work. Got up briefly at 11 ish and promptly went back to bed until 2.30! Lots of throwing up.
Felt better in the evening but last night it came back and I had a just as sorry night as the one before.
We left Mumā€™s but LO had a bowling party to attend in Andover at 10.30, so that meant packing and leaving at 9.00 then hanging about there for 2hrs whilst feeling rotten.
Thankfully, another Dad has offered to bring her home :pray:t2: :pray:t2:
So Iā€™m in my own bed at least. Desperate to get well for the gig tomorrow night. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Leg has been a bit sore and tight today but was generally alright on the bike ride, only felt it a bit on the odd seated climb. Only feeling it a small amount when walking but massaging the area and it is still very tender. Had the ice pack out again.

Fingers crossed I stopped quick enough to prevent it being too bad, wonā€™t run this week and have got a massage on Tuesday.

Probably a bit early to try any strengthening?

It has been in the back of my mind all year though.

I was actually thinking over the last couple of weeks that I need to reduce the number of parkrunā€™s at this time of the year and have done recently. As much as I try when I get there I get carried along and although itā€™s only ~20 minutes it tends to be a very hard effort, on top of all the other training.

I think the long hill run on Wednesday was probably the biggest problem though.



Adolf Poet will get added to the @joex shit list at this rate


Heā€™s actually a bot from Scarbados :joy:


SORRY @Hammerer and All :flushed:

That was an error. I was just trying to untrack it for myself.

Talk about your injuries all you like :flushed::face_with_peeking_eye::hugs: