Injury List- do any parts of you still work?

I can testify to this. I had to use it to get me through a flight home from Corfu a few years ago. Was ill for a further week or so and probably took another week to fully recover.

Unbelievably frustrated.

Coming back from the latest soleus tear in my right leg. Timed it well, as have some races coming up.

Out for a morning run, just 5-6k pan flat.

Youā€™ve guessed it. Left soleus has gone (grade 1 I think, but enough to knock the next two weekends out).

I genuinely donā€™t think I can keep going round in this cycle of calf injuries.


Oh no!! And youā€™ve been doing tonnes of S&C to manage this very problem. That really sucks mate. Fingers crossed itā€™s something lighter than that even, though Iā€™m sure you know your body by now.

Hope itā€™s not too bad. But unbelievably frustrating for sure.

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Did you try calf guards? They wonā€™t work miracles but might be worth a Ā£35 gamble.

Sympathy though, Iā€™m dreading the race this weekend.


Thanks @jeffb and @gingerbongo. I didnā€™t go for the calf guards in the end, as the injury (on my right leg) felt a lot better.

Think I just have to accept Iā€™m fighting an uphill battle, and thereā€™s a definitive end point of my running journey. If thatā€™s now or in a few years, itā€™s certainly coming.


Iā€™m considering this actually for my long stuff. Wore some long compression More Miles socks that I found at the bottom ofy bag the other day, and they did feel nice. No idea if they made a difference or not.

Handy for the bastard nettles at the mo though. :roll_eyes: Couldā€™ve done with them last night. Got stung to crappery.


I use them for the support and to avoid getting stung or ticks when running on the heather.


Ah sorry to hear that, very frustrating for you.

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Thanks @d.t.

Howā€™s your injury progressing?

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Getting there thanks. 3 weeks of no running at the moment, plantar fascia still inflamed - hopefully another few weeks and time for a slow jog. Iā€™ve bought some new trainers, with more support, ready for the day!


Arh mate, sorry to hear that.

Any idea when youā€™ll be ready to return?

Reading online suggests itā€™s going to take several weeks, Iā€™m measuring how it feels via heel drops/raises.

What are you thinking with your soleus? When you went out the other day - was it a really gentle jog? When did you feel it go?

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Hopefully youā€™ll be on the shorter side of recovery.

If Iā€™m honest, Iā€™m facing a losing battle. Iā€™ve had perhaps 10 soleus strains in both legs over the last 6 or 7 years. The calf muscle is actually okay, itā€™s more imbalances elsewhere.

I realise the potential of it happening will never go away, and itā€™s all around minimising the risk of it happening. Yesterday was the prime example, it shouldnā€™t really have happened based on training history, shoes and residual fatigue.

I think Iā€™m slowly coming to the realisation that my ability to run is coming to an end. Thats not dramatic, but realistic.

Annoying, my times and running power are possibly the best theyā€™ve ever been, even in my late 30ā€™s.


@APM - maybe Iā€™m wrong about this, but from memory your Strava suggests a lot of your running is pretty hard / fast? 4min - 4m15 per km sort of stuff?


Update. Seem to be over this now after 4 days - managed a fart earlier without any follow through. TMI. :poop:


Itā€™s true. I canā€™t help myself.

I try and substitute by making my easier days non running. At least that way if I give it full gas itā€™s non impact.

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Think it can work for some people, eg recall reading about a M55+ half marathoner who was doing obscene times on just a low volume of high quality running :man_shrugging:

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Anyone ever had issues with a sural nerve irritation? Thatā€™s my best diagnosis from some research.

From this arvo onwards (initially I thought maybe my trainers were too tight at work) Iā€™ve had this weird tingling / pins an needles / numbness on the outside of my left foot. When I stroke the side of the foot and up my ankle to ky calf it feels really odd.

Like, the I can feel it. But the sensation is really distant and muffled. The foot is pissing me right off.

Can see stuff online about it being a think - looks like itā€™s a branch off the sciatic - but nothing about treatment. Iā€™ve passed on my planned turbo and elevated it whilst watching tdf unchained.

Will see how it is tmw when I wake up. May sack off my planned run as well if need be.


Have you checked your calf?

Yeah and I canā€™t seem to find anything. Weirdly last night I also had tingling in my hands when I was trying to sleep. It was like I was getting that ā€˜deadā€™ feeling that you get when you sleep on your arm in the same position for too long. But I got it pretty much immediately.

It was a tiny bit better when I woke up but itā€™s getting worse again. Foot is numb and tingly.

Very weird and I got a bit paranoid last night! :joy:

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