Injury List- do any parts of you still work?

Is there a pill instead i can take ?


Donā€™t want to tempt fate, but think my hip has mended :crossed_fingers:

Did 5km on the treadmill this lunchtime at pretty much current threshold pace, last 2 weeks have been uncomfortable after this session, but today it feels fine so far. Also ran 10km yesterday & again it felt fine. :pinched_fingers:

Been 4.5 months & maddeningly enough the orthopaedic guy I saw right at the beginning predicted I would be able to start running after 8-9 weeks fully recovered after 18 weeks ā€¦ seems he was bang on the money ā€¦ crystal ball stuff.


Have you booked your second sandboarding session then?


yeah, no


Nice bruise from my fall at parkrun on Saturday. Was at the end of lap 1 and trailing foot caught a root or something on the way through. Was a complete wipeout but managed to roll a bit and land on soft squishy parts.

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Heal well.

Hmm, groin injury from yesterday is a bit better today but not before it got worse last night. Iā€™ll get the gun and ice packs on it today and try to keep it elevated.
I have to go to town lunchtime and heading to Mumā€™s either tonight or in the morning. I have to work until about 1pm tomorrow, Iā€™ll make a call after that. :crossed_fingers:t2:


You doing Dartmoor FP?

Iā€™m at Mumā€™s now. Itā€™s been a fair bit better today, did some RICE and a walk into town and nowhere near as tight as yesterday. If it carries on like this, I think Iā€™ll definitely start.


Looking bright on the weekend :sunny:

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It does, could be windy. Itā€™s going to be boffy AF though!

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Had my foot surgery last Wednesday so a week of recovery done.
Having to sit around with my foot raised all day above my heart isnā€™t as easy as it sounds :wink:
Should be getting my stitches and bandages off end of next week and get permission to start putting a bit of weight on my foot but will still have to wear a boot for a few more weeks.
Then go back to see the surgeon at the end of next month for hopefully a final check upšŸ¤ž


Good luck :+1:t2: :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Fark, rolled my ankle twice this morning, second one was pretty bad and there was a bit of a yelp!

Supposed to be doing a 25k trail race tomorrow but itā€™s pretty sore and I donā€™t want to roll it again. Annoying as I havenā€™t done it for months :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Sorry to hear that Jeff, hope it heals well. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Pretty sure Iā€™ve got a chillblain on my index finger from deicing the car yesterday! Itā€™s only bloody October! Told the GF Iā€™m staying in Greece until April :joy:

If only I had a car with a heated windscreen :roll_eyes:


Spoke too soon. Hipā€™s unhappy this morning. Wasnā€™t enjoying the ride to work. Each time I had to hop up over a curb or pull up on the pedal it let me know.

Just been on holiday for a week too not doing very much too. Bit ominous, have this nagging doubt that itā€™s ever going to be 100% after whatever I did to it back in April.


Whatā€™s triggered it? The kayak, doing something different?

Iā€™m similar with my hamstring, seems alright when Iā€™m not sitting so often and running steadily. Try and run hard and it reminds me later on :rage:


It seemed to start after running on Friday evening, having flown back in the morning. Maybe all that sitting around at the airport and then scrunched up on the plane? Not sure. You are right though, the kayaking was a little uncomfortable too, hadnā€™t thought of that.


Had to see the dentist today as the filling in a molar had dropped out and needed replacing. Duly done, but when there I asked the dentist to look at another issue which gave me some grief when we were away in September but had eased off - turns out I have an infection in one of my pre-molars so am now on a course of amoxycillin and booked for a root canal treatment in a couple of weeks.


And I can kiss goodbye to just under Ā£700 for the privilege.
