Ironman fueling

Yep, no flavouring, they’re quite thick too but not gooey. I prefer the consistency to other gels tbh.


They taste like algae/seaweed.
Carrageen Moss :face_vomiting:

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I describe them as eating raw jelly. Just slightly less solid than that. But it’s almost like you chew them.

They’re saying on the Maurten website it’s the standard gels they produce (“use the same fuel as Frodeno”).

Gels are all Maurten themselves are advertising. They’re offering discounted prices for registered Ironman athletes to try the gels, but if you click through as a UK athlete, you get a “due to Brexit complications…” notification


Ah shame.

Jelly is. Good description - I’d add that it feels lumpy!

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haha I was struggling and thought it like jelly but not quite a solid, like those bits of jelly left in the bowl you get once it has been served but not as wet. But I like no goo as that gets sticky.

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I wil take your word for that :rofl:


Eat something small every 10 mins, it’s much easier to digest and also helps to get the liquid in if you wash it down…

i prefer solid food with occasional get top ups…so that’s 3 - 4 mini calzones early on the bike with alternating electrolyte and water drink…I also add a reward every hour or so or distance done (jelly baby or salt and vinegar hula hoops) …

Move to gels later on and stay off the caffeine until the run (unless I need an emergency one late on the bike).

as others have said, try to use that which is supplied at the event, or use your special needs bag as a top up…

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I’ve been doing that too… I’m still all over the place re - fuelling. My first IM i just went down the energy bar route on the bike and felt strong on the marathon running a 3:48. The 3 races since I’ve been using gels and drinks more and my run has been absolutely terrible. Could be age though… next time I might just try sandwiches :sandwich::yum:

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I’ve not come across an answer on here so for Ironman fueling anyone shed any light -
I did a long ride and used Maurten powder which I did enjoy and was fine (I also liked the SIS beta fuel on another ride). The question is - using a torpedo bottle, is it realistically feasible to empty a packet of powder mid-race and fill up with an aid station bottle of water without stopping (or crashing) ? I’m thinking I am going to need to stop to refuel, which in the grand scheme of things isn’t the end of the world, but wondering what other people do ?

yes if you practice when fatigued…no, if not…

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I’m not sure if you can with Maurten but with the IMJ favourite Tailwind you can create a strong concentrate.

say two scoops for every hour you need, mark your bottle every 100mls or so then sip that with water picked up on course


As @adam said, you’ll struggle with Maurten. That powder takes an age to properly mix up and needs a ton of shaking. I’d not want to do that on the bike.


I did exactly that at IM wales. Although didn’t use water I added a Tailwind sachet (500ml sachet to a 750ml bottle) to the course supplied Enervit and calculated that was about right for me as the Enervit concentration was so low. I also had some premixed bottles in special needs so only needed to do it a couple of times.


I found blowing down the straw did a pretty good job of mixing it up, Tailwind did at least.


Glad I asked. I tried tailwind and that didn’t really agree with my gut.
I’ll go with the torpedo and a bottle of 320 (2 hours worth) and with my top tube bag food and course maurten gels and bananas.
Never thought about the bike special needs, seemsed like a faff withthe stopping, getting your stuff and putting it back but as you say you can pick up pre-made bottles. Just when I thought I knew what I was going to do !?!
I’m rubbish at nutrition so need to put some effort in to getting it improved.

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I did the same on the run too, set off with a 500ml soft flask from transition and had another 500ml pre mixed soft flask in special needs on the run for the 2nd half.

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