Ironman World Champs Nice Sept 10th

Yes it does (your NP is reduced by less than the contribution from the extra time)? I don’t agree that 30 TSS is a one hour easy ride, I’d say that was 40-50 TSS, unless you really are not actually riding for much of it, and that in running terms would be the equivalent to a walk, how much run TSS do you get from a walk? I personally think if it is possible that 60 minutes of actual riding is possible to realistically only 30 TSS, your FTP is either very high (ie you’re a pro) or over-stated - there’s a sort of minimum intensity it’s possible to ride at and for most, it’s higher than that.

It’s also not a fixed 30 TSS from doing nothing, but it is just a general inflated number (of the order of 30 TSS /hour at IM durations and intensities I’d say) which doesn’t matter much if you’re only comparing to other rides of a similar type, it’s when you’re comparing to TSS calculated without the same just existing bias like the bike/run here I think it’s less helpful.