Ironman Yorkshire 😍

is it not a bear


Cool. They have a 4 bed detached, no kids, two cats. I’m not even sure they have a mortgage these days. Both under 30.

Where did I go wrong? :smile:


Anyone planning on entering this?

Still no bike course details, which is a bit crap!

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I’m half interested but doubt 10 months is enough for me from now to get fit, and not sure I’m ready to do one just to get round especially at IM branding and prices, so we’ll see. More likely Cleveland half the week before at this rate and see if life takes me back to a full the year after


No thanks ! its like Bolton but in yorkshire :rofl: :fishing_pole_and_fish: , did see a PR post saying they had 15,000 registered for notification ! so no doubt will fill up ! which is good news


Nope. Scheister move putting it same weekend as Outlaw :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


maybe we WANT to ensure we are classed as Outsiders :stuck_out_tongue: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Does seem shitty, but how far apart would they need to be for someone seriously interested in doing both?


that ones a wee bit cheeper :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: ÂŁ60! FGS ace race too :sunglasses:


Don’t really understand this bad sentiment. Very very few people are doing 2 in the UK in the same year, let alone within 4-6 weeks of each other. Numbers of people doing Bolton and Outlaw must already have been tiny.


It’s not about doing both.

It’s more that they’ve put an event on the same weekend as another.

It’d be like Bank Holiday, Folk Week, Goth Week and Regatta all being on the same weekend in Whitby.

People will (maybe?) choose IM over Outlaw if they’re on the same weekend. But if they were on different weekends, you choose the one you more like the look of :woman_shrugging:t2:

It will eat into Outlaws revenue, it did in 2011 when IMUK was the following weekend (think that was the first Bolton?)


What am I missing, why won’t people just choose the one they like the look of more when they are the same day?


I know you’re young but surely you’ve been around tri long to see how this will play out. :man_shrugging:t2:


I think the point is even if a week apart you’d do one or the other. Being on the actual same weekend makes no difference. You aren’t doing two fulls back to back or even in the same month.

To be honest Ive only just thought about iy and realised the same day is a false arguement. Unless of course you favour, branding and dont mind paying the higher cost. But I guess it does have more kudos to the ‘one and done’ crowd or the layman.

How long do you need between fulls?


You probably want four months or so right?

I know @Toyota_Crown would do it the day after but he’s not normal…

I’ve done a couple of years with the Bolton / Tenby combo and the Tenby race has always been much worse.


@bbt67 meet @Toyota_Crown :rofl:


That is just :exploding_head:

Well, maybe top of your game should have been mentioned.

But tbh at all is still significant


Im with @Chriswim et al, even 2 weeks apart, most will pick the one they want to do, not both. Leeds will attract many just because its new, date has little to do with that.

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PS i missed the original post by @Chriswim double down… totally agree.

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Other than being a bit optically shitty, the reality is it’s not going to have a massive impact on entry numbers for all the reasons stated above. A new IM branded race, whenever it was, is always going to attract some extra entries in year 1 away from Outlaw, and in all honesty I can’t think the date really has much bearing on that. That’s just entrants though.

The bigger thing I hadn’t thought of before, but someone mentioned previously, was to do with volunteers, officials, motos, etc. There’s not a massive pool of people to call upon for those for full distance racing, and having them on the same day probably has a much bigger impact on that front.

You’d like to think OSB* have enough pedigree to have a decent core of people committed to their events across all of that though, such that it won’t threaten their viability. If it does, then yes, proper shitty move from Ironman.

*edit - hadn’t realised they been “acquired”